Farm Fresh News - November 2018
  • Watch My TEDx Talk!
  • Future Farm - a home for new families
  • Fall on The Farm
  • My Granola Recipe
  • December 1& 2 The Farm School Holiday Bazaar
Dear Friends,
At long last my TEDx Talk is online and available for you to watch. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to put this message out into the world, especially in these times, when the values of truth, justice, and social responsibility are at a crossroads and under attack. Now, as much as at any other point in my lifetime, we are called to bring our light together so that it turns away the dark and leads us forward into a brighter future.
At the same time, an important element of my message is that we must each take responsibility for our own path to joy and fulfillment. We cannot let ourselves be held down or held back by the circumstances of today, but like my friend Stephen Gaskin once said, we must be like skilled surfers, riding the crest of a huge and dangerous wave, arriving safely at the shore.
It is important to note the intended audience of a TED Talk is not the people in the immediate audience, but the online video which can reach millions. I have a long way to go, but if everyone who receives this newsletter would please take the time to watch it and SHARE it, I can more than triple the number of views I have now. Every jump in the number of views increases the potential of attracting more viewers, which could open up doors for me to take this message on the road to schools and college campuses.
For the future is now in the hands of the Millennials. They outnumber all other voting demographics, yet only 30% of them voted in the mid-term elections, an all-time high. They have the power to take our country and our world in a new direction, if they would only exercise their right to vote and help us turn this ship away from the rocks.
Peace, Douglas
A Message to the Children of Hippies: Life in Community is waiting for you to create The Future!
The letter below was written by one of my dear friends and a second-generation mover and shaker here at The Farm. It was directed at all of the children who were born here or grew up, because they already have an understanding of what this place is about and deep ties in their soul to this land. 
But the message applied to all you young people out there  (under 50 wink!) who are seeking greater meaning and purpose, direction, and a deeper connection to nature. The Farm is real and in my mind still the most revolutionary way we can live, which is especially true in these times. I've got some more to say at the end, but first, read on. Note I have done a little editing to make it apply to more people than Farm youth.
"This is a call to all you middle-aged kids of the hippies to come and help receive the torches from the settlers!
The community is vibrant with so many juicy things going on you literally can’t attend them all. We’ve got weekly yoga, drum circles, community potlucks, and parties. We’ve got our own microbrewery coop, a sauna at the swimming hole, 21 holes of disc golf, and acres and acres of land to roam and ride.
We’ve planted over 200 fruit and nut trees in our ComeUnity Food Forest with more to come, and have big scale farming opportunities available. We've got every flavor of meeting you ever dreamed of attending and opportunities for more.
We’ve got improved equestrian opportunities and a remodeled barn thanks to the work of  all the horse owners here.
We’re about to have actual high speed internet (200-300 mbps for around $60/mo) for all you intraweb workers and surfers. We’ve got a high quality alternative school with incredibly affordable tuition, remodeled comfortable classrooms, scholarship opportunities, and we really need more kids. 
For all you left coast farmers with a flooded market and insanely high cost of living, Hemp is now LEGAL in TN with a wide open market. CBD is sweeping the nation, and legalization of the herb can't be far off.
Did I mention we’ve got a ridiculously low cost of living comparatively with cleaner air and tastier water? We’ve got your house site available. 
if you don’t want to deal with all the rigmarole of living in community you can become part of the new frontier of The Farm and buy cheap land on our back border and settle where you can do your own thing and participate in whatever you want to. One person just scored 30 acres for $60K!!!!
Things are getting crazier and wackier our there, but they’re getting better here every day. Come help us evolve into the next stage of evolution as a community. We need your help, love, support, and families here to keep this place thriving. The opportunities are limitless and the settlers are open to progressive ideas for change. Aren’t you ready to let your kids roam the hills and valleys of TN without the concerns of city dwelling? Heed my call and come on home Y’all, the living is sweet here!!!!!"
From a Farm Youth Under 50
Okay, just to be clear, moving here is not for everyone. It is not necesarily easy. There are plenty of challenges, from finding employment (everyone is responsible for their own income and paying a monthly fee to support the community), to housing. Still, we have a number of young people who have moved here in recent years, that were not born here, and they have found ways to make it work.
Follow your passion. Follow your dreams. Live true to your ideals. Join the revolution!
A PS to all you aging Baby Boomers: You are also welcome to check us out, but there is no shortage of aging hippies who now see living in community as the ideal way to live out their time on this planet. Just bear in mind we do have to consider if you will be able to meet your financial obligations, and how your plan for managing any health issues as they arise. Keepin' it real!

Singing together at The Farm Cemetery during our November dance weekend.
Here is my basic granola recipe:
Rolled oats
I usually start with anywhere from 2-5 lbs, but then again I am making granola for 25 people attending my retreats.
Quick oats - rolled oats that have been chopped into smaller bits
Equal parts with the rolled oats, or less. It's up to you and what you have on hand.
I don't measure, just add to taste more or less.
An important lesson: you can always add more salt. You cannot take it out. So start off with just a few shakes or a 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon, depending on the quantity of oats. It is a little harder to have too much cinnamon.
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup sorghum molasses - other options: honey, maple syrup
Heat the oil and syrup in a pot stirring until they blend together.
Pour over oats and stir until all are coated. Depending on the quantity, you might need to mix up more oil/syrup if it doesn't cover the oats adequately.
Spread on a cookie sheet in a thin layer.
Place in an oven at 350 degrees for 5 - 10 minutes. I often find it takes 10 minutes for the first round and only 5 minutes after the oven has been heated up for a while. I use a timer so I don't accidentally leave them in too long.
Remove from the oven. The outer edges of the cookie sheet will brown first. Use a spatula to pull the edges into the middle, and then spread everything back evenly across the cookie sheet. Toast another 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and pour the toasted oats into a large bowl.
Add other ingredients:
1-2 tsp vanilla - I add this after I have toasted the oats. Otherwise it will evaporate.
Shredded coconut
Wheat germ or oat germ if you want to stay wheat free. Or wheat or oat bran.
Flax seed meal
Nuts and raisins or other dried fruit
You can add the germ or coconut at the beginning and toast if you prefer. I think there are more nutrients if you stay raw and some say the wheat germ has a better flavor if kept raw.
A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about community based alternatives.
Take this one small step to be part of the solution!
Let me know your interests. Click here to take the survey.    I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreat Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path!
Thank you for your interest, and your support. I hope to see you down the road.
We look forward to welcoming Sky Safir Roshay for our November 2-4 My Life is My Prayer dance weekend!
October 19-21, 2018 Farm Experience Weekend  
Fall Colors and a Fire Circle: Always a jam packed weekend. A time of reflection and introspection.
Dance Calendar
No doubt by now you have read about the music and Dances of Universal Peace events that have taken place over the last couple months and how much fun everyone is having together. If your soul could use a lift, or you’re just curious, you are welcome to come to any of our scheduled gatherings.
Our regular Dance and Kirtan Schedule are subject to my travel plans.
Please contact me to find out if the dances are scheduled for any particular weekend.
Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30 PM / Sundays, 3 - 5 pm
I am so happy to welcome Sky Roshay as our guest Dance leader for our November 2-4 My Life is My Prayer.
As we enter into this time of shorter days and long dark nights, it is natural for us to turn toward introspection, as we give thanks for the gifts we have received, the challenges we face to make us grow, and the Love that carries us through. Together we dance, our lives as our prayer.

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A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about community based alternatives.
Take this one small step to be part of the solution!
Click here to take the survey.    I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreat Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path!
Speaking Engagements
At the same time, I recognize that I can reach a lot more people if I go outside the community. One of my goals is to speak at colleges and universities where I can talk to young people about Right Livelihood, Service, and Finding Sanity in an Insane World. This is a time when people need to hear an uplifting message of hope.
If you are part of an organization, event, or school (or you just want to learn more about my life's work), I invite you to visit my web site, where you'll find information on my lecture topics and how to bring me to speak in your area.
out to change the world
new society Order both and save!
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www.awakening - The Podcast 
Our birth resource web site for families seeking guidance on subjects such as
  • Choosing a Care Provider.
  • Health and Diet
  • Challenges and Complications
  • and much more!
  • The Awakening Birth podcast is now available on iTunes or at
Please spread the word to anyone in your circle who is thinking of having a baby, expecting, your favorite midwife, or care provider. Please like us and give us a good review on iTunes. It helps!
GreenLife Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
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