January 8, 2013
We're excited to share another week of news & ideas with our MAiZE family. There never seems to be a shortage of ideas and the truth is that some of the best originate with all of you! So, if you ever have an idea you'd like us to pass along to the group, please just send it our way. Also, please remember that we'll be archiving these ideas on the siteowner web site, so that you can go back and view them whenever you like.
Corn Party Checklist...

With the Corn Party just 12 days away, we wanted to review a quick checklist to make sure you're ready to set sail with us...
1. Cruise Boarding Passes & Luggage Tags: By now you should all have booked your cruise and received a letter from Get Away Today instructing you on how to go online and check in with Carnival. Upon doing this, you will be mailed your boarding passes and luggage tags. This needs to be done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so please contact ssmith@getawaytoday.com if you have any questions or from some reason didn't receive the check-in letter.
2. Register for the Corn Party: If for any reason you signed up for the cruise, but didn't register for the Corn Party itself, be sure to jump online at www.cornparty.com to do that.
3. Hotel Reservations: For those arriving Sunday night who haven't yet booked a hotel room at the Embassy Suites Westshore where we had a room block, there is still a very limited number of discounted rooms available by contacting monica.helenek@hilton.com. Though our $99 blocked rate is no longer available, they are still able to get you rooms at $139.
4. Bring Your Passport, Photo I.D. and/or Birth Certificate: These are items you definitely don't want to forget to pack! You should all have received details from Get Away Today on what documentation is necessary to get on the ship. If you need more details, please Click Here.
5. Cell Phone Plan Changes? According to the cruiseline, most cell phones will not work while onboard the ship due to limited satellite connectivity. Cell phones will work while on land and in port, however, the charges can be really steep.
Most cell providers can change your cell plan to an international plan offering better rates. If you plan to use your phone or have it on (you can be charged expensive international roaming charges if your phone is on during the trip) it may be a good idea to contact your cell provider and let them know where you are going to determine the best plan of action to avoid unreasonable cell phone bills.
Carnival does offer some reasonable internet packages that you can purchase on board and for some it may be more affordable to just communicate via email vs. by phone during the trip.
6. Pack Your Photo Albums: Looking at each other's photo albums can be one of the best learning tools there is during the Corn Party. We highly encourage all of you to bring your photo albums (or start putting one together now) to show off your farm! Who knows, we may even have a possible prize for those who do!
7. Pack Your Clothes...Casual & Fancy: Not sure what to wear? It'll be pretty casual most of the time (feel free to even wear your bermuda shorts to the meetings if you like!), but there is one "elegant night" in the dining room. CLICK HERE for more details from Carnival on what to wear.
8. Fill Your Wallet with $1's, $5's, $10's...: Though we've been told that most vendors in Grand Cayman and Cozumel will accept U.S. money at our port stops, some may give you change in foreign currency. Thus, Carnival suggests bringing small bills so that you don't require much change when making purchases.
 9. Show Off Your Dance Moves: Logan is working on a video for the Corn Party and is wanting footage of MAiZE members doing the Gangnam Style dance. So if you're looking for a little stress relief today and can pull out your smart phone to film a 15 second clip of you or your family's best impression of the dance, that would be great! Please email clips to logan@themaize.com by Thursday end of day. Thank you so much to all who are willing to cut loose and be funny!
10. Maze Design Concepts: Don't forget to brush up on your paper airplane skills and be thinking of what you want for your maze design this year. We'll once again have our annual "paper airplane" contest where you can win a free maze cutting just by filling out the airplane entry sheet with your design concept by the end of the Corn Party.
Chat with MAiZE owners on the Facebook Forums

If you have a Facebook account, but haven't joined the Forum & Marketplace pages that are exclusive to our MAiZE family, you're missing out on a great opportunity to chat with your fellow MAiZE owners and/or get info on items for sale!
To access the Discussion Forum, CLICK HERE and request permission to join.
To access the Marketplace, CLICK HERE and request permission to join.
The MAiZE Inc.; PO Box 367, Spanish Fork, UT 84660; 888-798-0596