Scotland Island Traffic Management Plan – Information
Session and Opportunity to Comment
Thank you to those who
provided comment during our recent engagement on the draft Scotland
Island Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Following your feedback we’ve
revised the draft TMP, with the amendments below:
- vehicle weight for controlled access has been amended
from 2.5 tonne to 4.5 GVM
- stipulating a $40 fee per vehicle permit (for
vehicles on the island)
- inclusion of a sliding scale and/or bond for the
businesses using large vehicles to service the community.
Information session
You are invited to attend
an information session on the revised TMP:
Rural Fire Service Shed
10am–12 noon, Saturday, 15th June
Make a comment
Full details are available on the
project page.
Comments close Tuesday, 18th June, 2019
Northern Beaches Council Visit to the Island
On 9th May, Ray Brownlee,
Chief Executive Officer, Trish Chaney, Community Liaison Co-ordinator,
and Phil Devon, Manager Transport Network visited the island at SIRA’s
invitation. During a tour in the community vehicle they experienced
island terrain and road and drainage conditions. Then they and
Councillor Ian White joined four members of the SIRA Committee at a
meeting during which we discussed various issues the island is facing,
including future plans for Church Point, longer-term budgeting for
roads and drainage maintenance and capital works and the escalating
costs of the Council permits which enable access to our homes.
Proposed 2019-20 Fees for Church Point Parking and
Commuter and Island Wharves Permits
As a result of the Council
visit to the island, SIRA and West Pittwater
Community Association met with NBC's Director of Finance last week to
discuss Council’s proposed 2019-20 permit fees for car parking and boat
tie-ups (these can be viewed here:;
pages 3, 4 & 64 are the most relevant).
We put forward a proposal to reduce current permit charges in 2019-20,
and from then on to increase fees by CPI adjustment only. We argued a
strong case for fairness for the offshore community, in line with the
original partnership agreement with Pittwater Council and the Church
Point Plan of Management. In support of our case we provided financial
modelling that shows that no increases to current permit fees are
necessary. NBC Finance agreed to look again at their budget for the
Automated Water Booking System
This is probably the most
complex grant project SIRA has ever
undertaken. It is progressing very well thanks to the effective
management of the contractor, the knowledgeable feedback, flexibility
and patience of our Water Monitors, Nikki Gibson, Ian Laughton-Smith,
Jay Savage and Nadine O’Mara, and the generally positive response of
our community. Thank you for your support and co-operation so far.
The Project Working Group is continuing to work on the system to make
it as user-friendly as possible. Stage 3 will be implemented shortly.
The valves and meters at Bell Wharf will be automated and housed inside
a cabinet, meaning you will no longer have to read the meter at Bell
Hall and Kindergarten Mural and Storage Project
Nettie Lodge and helpers
have been working hard on the painting of the
mural on a wall of the Kindergarten. Next will be the Hall wall. Thank
you very much to Northern Beaches Council for painting the primer coat
on the walls and to Sean Cavanaugh for donating paints and tints. Thank
you also to the Rural Fire Service for providing and erecting
tarpaulins over the walls to protect the paint.
SIRA Recreation Club
We held our inaugural event,
an International Folk Dancing Evening
hosted by Branko and Annabelle Kristevic in the Community Hall on 25th
May. There was an excellent turnout of around 50 people. A big thank
you to all involved in making this event such a huge success. Another
International Folk Dancing Evening is planned for Saturday, 29th June.
Look for details around the island soon!
The next Recreation Club event is a
Young Musicians Concert on Saturday, 15th June at 2pm in the Community
Colin Haskell
SIRA President

Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade - AGM
Sunday 16th June 2019
This is a reminder that the
2019 AGM will take place at the Fire Station on
Sunday 16th June 2019 commencing at
Our AGM is an important event because this is where we reflect back on
what the Brigade has achieved in the last 12 months and elect field
officers and administration roles responsible for the ongoing operation
of the Brigade for the next year.
All members and supporters are encouraged to attend and participate.
The meeting will be followed by drinks and a light lunch, provided by
the brigade.
RSVP by registering, click here : Annual General Meeting 2019
Annual memberships ($20) are due for renewal on
1st June:
- If you have paid your invoice - thank you
- If you have not paid your invoice - please pay before
the AGM
- Alternatively if you did not receive an invoice you
can pay by clicking here: SIRFB Membership Payment 2019
- We would prefer online payment but you can always pay
at the AGM (cash or EFTPOS).
If you have not logged or have forgotten your password you can reset
your password:
Kind Regards,
Geoff Bullock
Secretary, SIRFB

Scotland Island Water and Wastewater
Commercial Feasibility Study 2018