We can deliver your Christmas present to anywhere in the world - just enter the mailing address in our checkout. However, please order early for Christmas - allow at least two-weeks. Although we will be mailing right to the last moment - all orders after 16th December will be delayed.
Christmas in Hong Kong is a mix of East and West, but being an ex-British colony (like the US!), Christian culture predominates. It can be get as cold as 10 degrees C, but is always sun and no rain. Drink more and have a fun Christmas - there is more to life than beading!
Christmas Beads
Great Present Ideas
Gemstone Properties e-book at 1/2 Price!
Turquoise – the birthstone for December
Turquoise & Pearl
Free EMS Express Airmail on orders over US$200 or £130
How to Make a Killing Selling Bead Jewelry - what a wonderful present!
Boxed necklaces with matching earring sets make great presents and easy to wrap. Offer your customers free gift wrapping and mailing. For personal gifts buy ready-made jewelry online, requesting your supplier to mail direct with no invoice and a happy Christmas note.
December is the peak retail season, when many stores take one-third of their entire year’s sales. So ensure you make lots of quality necklaces and bracelets well in advance. You can always give away as presents if they don’t all sell.
To read about pearls and how to make a pearl necklace click here.
Gemstone Properties e-book at 1/2 Price!
Healers and new agers believe certain gemstones heal on a metaphysical level, because of the earths energy that has been absorbed by these stones. This book of 26 pages explains what the stones are, along with a color photograph of each, and the benefits of 48 of the most popular gemstones used to make jewelry today.
Click to buy this book half price through Paypal in £3.99 Pounds or $6 US Dollars.
For other bead books on Amazon click here.
For the amazing #1 Top Selling Kindle Reading from the US Amazon click here.
What is turquoise?
Turquoise is a soft, opaque gemstone, formed by volcanic rock reacting to copper deposits brought by water.
Color ranges from blue-green, to yellow-green with grey, black or brown veining.
Most non-green turquoise these days is dyed.
As genuine turquoise is expensive, reconstituted turquoise is common - crafted from real turquoise chips fused with other stones to cut cost.
Turquoise has been found in 5,000-year-old Egyptian tombs and the Tibetans used it as currency centuries ago. North Africa and the Middle East hold large deposits, but most turquoise today originates from Burma and is carved in China. Turquoise didn’t reach Europe until the crusades when the name originated, meaning “Turkish stone”.
Ancient doctors thought turquoise prevented injury and ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders, internal bleeding, and insect bites. Turquoise has always been used to protect the wearer from danger, attract wealth, and warn as a talisman or good luck charm. Some believe it will fade when danger or illness is near, or a lover is unfaithful. It’s also said to protect against pollution and strengthen the body.
Looking after
Turquoise is porous, so contact with liquids, oils or even perspiration should be avoided. This is why it’s often impregnated with plastic, colorless oil or wax to improve color and durability.
Jewelry should be removed before washing.
Untreated turquoise will eventually turn green.
There are many different turquoise in the store, see at: MrBead.com or MrBead.co.uk
Xmas Gift - Pearl & Earrings Necklace Box Set - Click here - only $16, or in our UK shop £10.99 click here. We can also mail gift-wrapped anywhere in the world!
To claim key code "freeshipping" at the checkout in our US store at MrBead.com - or use code "freepost" in our UK shop at MrBead.co.uk. (Use codes without the commas.)
Offer to Friday 17th December 2010 only - so order NOW! For use in our store at the checkout only and not valid for wholesale, for less than above minimum, or with any other offers.
169 jam-packed pages of the latest 2010 jewelry selling secrets. Everything you ever wanted to know profiting from handcrafted beaded jewelry - including how to source at the lowest prices. See your income soar from new profit sources. Instant results! Dynamic growth potential. Comes with free bonus books of Gemstone Properties and Guide to Cashing in on eBay.
MrBead newsletter readers can purchase our new just-published book at a 33% discount. NOTE: ignore the price on the sales page - click the Buy Now button and you will see your 33% discount at the Paypal checkout. Paypal only for this offer, and only valid until end of 2010. On Paypal's confirmation of payment page, click "IMPORTANT: click here to download your product". You will also be e-mailed your download URL.
This e-book is sold to you with 100% satisfaction - otherwise you get a full refund within 60 days! For more or to buy at the discount, click US Version or UK Version.
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