Flash News No. 37/2017 | October 10

Developed by Australian Pump
School Clean-Up program
Teachers, parents and P&C support groups all know that school cleanliness can be improved. Schools are doing their best with the limited budgets available but, professional cleaning contractors can be expensive and only work restricted hours. One company, Australian Pump Industries, has developed a ‘School Clean-Up’ program to help schools spruce up and improve the health, hygiene and safety of this nurturing environment.
Faster, safer, cleaner. Glenhaven Public School’s Glen McGee, (pictured) uses an Aussie AB30 as part of Australian Pumps’ School Clean-up Program.
The company is Australia’s biggest manufacture of high pressure cleaning equipment. Their focus is normally on professional users like farmers, contractors and councils. The range includes machines that are worlds away from third-world products available from big box stores or tool shops.
“Our AB30 3,000 psi machine is perfect for schools at special discounted prices as part of our Clean-Up program,” said Aussie Pumps Ben Groves-Geerdink. “Nicknamed the Pocket Rocket the 3,000 psi machine is compact, built like a tank and mounted on four big 10” flat free tyres,” he said.
The heart of the Aussie AB30 is a ‘Big Berty’ triplex pump that delivers 3,000 psi pressure combined with a 10 lpm flow. Included in the ‘School Clean-up’ program is a heavy duty turbo that enables the machine to operate at an effective working pressure of 4,785 psi. The turbo means cleaning times are dramatically cut for stubborn stains, chewing gum removal and drink spills. The machine can also be used for cleaning up amenities, tuck shops and of course waste collection areas’ said Groves- Geerdink.
The company believes in supporting customers to maximum. Not only do they excel at producing top quality, top value products that work well but augment them with bonus give-aways and additional free extended warranties. Their commitment to an established a dealer network means customers have local support for ongoing engine service and expert advice to assist selecting the right product for their application.
Australian Pumps say that the work they have done with schools so far has provided excellent results in terms of a general raising of morale, not only of the teachers but of the students as well. ‘Having a cleaner, safer environment makes everybody feel good’ said Groves-Geerdink.
Information on the School Clean-up Program is available from Australian Pump Industries.
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