tel:  512-280-1192                                            Friday, Feb. 22, 2013

"All You Need to Know About Growing Tomatoes" - free lecture
this Sunday at 2 p.m. by farmer Kevin Callaway.  Learn all about
soil prep, compost, organic fertilizers, and beneficial bacteria will
all be discussed. Kevin is also going to be in the greenhouses on Sat.
and Sun, available to answer any of your questions. | Next Sun: How
to Install and Maintain a  Sustainable and Economic Garden, by
acclaimed landscape architect C.L. Williams.
Neil's Cobwood Roundhouse was a finalist in the UK's recent Shed
of the Year contest. The roof is planted with a wildflower and meadow
mix, and the reclaimed stained glass windows give it a an extra Hobbit
feel. Click here for more entries: shed of the year
Nursery notes:  Lots of new shipments in this week: Seeds (we are
fully stocked) Pottery including colorful, glazed pots of all sizes
and bird baths. Concrete Garden Decor - St. Francis, angels, animal
figurines  gargoyles and mushrooms. Huge spring shipment of Land-
scape Plants - ready to plant now. Geodes: Kids (and adults) love to
crack them open and reveal the crystal inside. We also have several
beautiful specimens of green calcite that promote plant growth. It's
time  to prep your veggie garden soil.  We have a complete line of  
soil amendments and organic fertilizers to ensure success.
Central Texas Gardener (KLRU-TV) Fed up with Bermuda grass in
garden beds? Garden designer Liz Klein explains how to avoid disaster
when replacing lawn with gardens. On tour, visit Dani and Gary Moss,
who sculpted barren ground into an artistic adventure, including an
English conservatory, Sat. noon, 4 p.m. or 9 a.m.  www.klru

The Cherokee Purple: large, dark, meaty, and very rich.
Tomato Strategies for the Spring of 2013
by Chris Winslow
I like to think of it as my favorite time of year, my ‘Rite of Spring,’
when I go outside to plant America’s favorite backyard vegetable,
the tomato.
2012 was an outstanding year for tomato growers. Winter did not
linger much past Feb. 1, which allowed us to get an early start....
essential for success.
The experts at Texas A&M place mid-March as the start of tomato
planting season, which coincides with the last average frost date.
Planting them early is always a risk but rewards are plentiful if you
can protect them from late season freezes and frosts. This means
more fruit set before the arrival of warm weather, which takes such
a toll on large fruit production.
What kind of tomatoes should you plant? There are a myriad of
varieties, but first you have to choose from two main categories:
hybrids, and heirlooms.
Heirloom tomatoes are the  tried and true, older varieties known for
their rich flavors, their colors, and their shapes. They are open poll-
inated and their seeds are viable from year to year. Their seeds can be
saved and re-planted.
The advantage of saving and re-growing seeds is that a particular
variety will become used to the local climate and conditions. A dis-
advantage? Many heirlooms don’t have the built-in disease resistance
that you find in the new hybrids.
My favorite heirloom is Cherokee Purple. Absolutely the best tomato
I have ever eaten. Large, dark, meaty, and very rich.
However there are many to choose from that approach the greatness
of the Cherokee, including Brandywine, Green Zebra, Homestead,
Arkansas Traveler, Black Krim, Mortgage Lifter, and Bloody Butcher.
Hybrid tomatoes are selected crosses that do not hold true when the
seed is saved and replanted. Hybrids are bred for disease resistance,
color, size, uniformity, high temperature fruit set, and production. Many
of the new hybrids claim yields  in excess of 30 pounds per bush.
The top hybrids for this area are Celebrity, Phoenix, BHN 444, BHN
602, Tycoon, Valley Girl, Big Boy, Better Boy, Solar Fire, Solar Flare,
Surefire, and Heatwave.
Celebrity tomato, a hybrid produced in Colin Wyatts backyard in 1984
, has been the most popular variety for nearly 30 years.
BHN 602 was the hybrid tomato released in the spring of 2012. 602
averaged 12 to 14 oz. per fruit and was a prolific producer at It’s About
Thyme’s test garden. They produced well and were flavorful.
The new hybrid for this year is Tigress. It’s described as ‘a reliable
medium fruited heat-setting slicer with the potential of setting 30 lbs
of high quality fruit with excellent sugar to acid flavor.’ Tigress is
resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus and tomato yellow leaf curl virus.
A good strategy is to plant a mixture: heirlooms for flavor, and hybrids
for production ( and flavor). And don’t forget to plant plenty of cherry
tomatoes. They never fail to set in the heat and produce worlds of fruit.
My favorites are Julliet and Sun Gold.
                                Happy tomato gardening everyone!
  Visit the website: 
  Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, 78748 