Urgent Issue
Requirement of FCAT Testing for
 Private Schools with McKay Students
If you have not taken the survey below, please do so today.
Your Voices Need to be Heard
Survey Collection will End Saturday, Feb 9th.
Thanks to those of you who have completed the survey.  We've had a great response. 
Dear Principals or Administrators,
In the past month the Governor and Commissioner of Education have been quoted as saying that all schools taking any state monies, McKay Scholarship included, should take the FCAT and any other state tests required of the public school.
The Coalition of McKay Scholarship Schools feels that requiring state mandated testing of children using the McKay Scholarship is totally inappropriate and will destroy the autonomy of private schools to craft curriculum and testing appropriate for the child’s needs. Parents’ “choice in educational options” will be severely limited.
The Coalition wants to take YOUR VOICE to the Commissioner and the Governor.  We need to let them know how making this requirement will adversely affect our students with disabilities and the private schools’ ability to serve them.
While we hope that our message will be heard, we also know that much pressure is being put to bear on this testing issue.
We have two options. We can sit back and wait for the state to decide for private schools and our students the types of evaluations required or we can decide for ourselves which types of evaluations would make sense for our students.
If this has to go to legislation, YOUR information will be crucial to keeping our schools’ autonomy in their curriculum and testing.
Please fill out the Five Question Survey in the link below.
The Coalition of McKay Scholarship Schools
5246 Centerville Rd, Tallahassee, FL   32309
(850) 893-2216    (850) 893-2440 fax