T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S

* Please consider a year-end gift to Perugia Press *
Dear Supporters and Friends of Poetry,

Here at Perugia Press, we are in the midst of reading manuscripts submitted to the 2018 Perugia Press Prize contest, and we’ll have news of the results this spring. We have always done our part to right gender inequity in publishing, and the last two years during our contest period have brought home even more profoundly the need to champion the words of women. The deadline for submissions to our annual contest falls on November 15 each year. In 2016, the deadline happened right after Election Day, and in 2017, the deadline occurred in the midst of the #MeToo movement. Each collection that came in to us during these challenging times has been received as a vibrant acknowledgment of the power of women’s voices and of the ability of poetry to speak out and speak up. 

A gift to Perugia Press helps us to award the winning poet an honorarium, to publish her book, and to support her work as it gains a greater audience. Perugia poets publish their first or second books with us, so we are in the business of launching women’s voices into the world. Perugia Press has been steadily building our excellent library one book at a time for over twenty years. Please consider supporting this important mission by contributing to the next Perugia Press collection with a year-end gift. Donations of any amount are deeply appreciated and can be sent via check made out to “Perugia Press” to P.O. Box 60364, Florence, MA 01062-0364 or submitted securely online at http://www.perugiapress.com/support-the-press/.

Perugia Press relies on collaboration with our community to continue our good work. I extend hearty thanks to our donors for contributing what you can, which also happens when you read our books, use them in your classrooms, volunteer for the press, submit your manuscripts, and participate in Perugia Press events. Thank you!

With gratitude,
Rebecca Olander, Editor/Director

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it only takes a moment, and your support means the world to us! Thank you!

PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062