Farm Fresh News - November 2017
  • Yogaville
  • Jai Uttal and Kirtan
  • Dances of Universal Peace: Building Community through Musical Vibrations
  • The Conference on Community and Sustainability: May 18-20, 2018

Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginia
Hi friends,
At the beginning of November, my wife Deborah and I had the good fortune to spend a weekend at another intentional community in Virginia, called Yogaville. Naturally, I was full of questions about how the community was structured, how many people live there, and more information not usually included in their general tour. I will share this all with you in my next newsletter.
The reason for our trip was to take part in a weekend workshop with legendary Kirtan performer Jai Uttal. Kirtan is a call and response chanting and singing of sacred phrases.
The tradition comes from India, and so most are sung in the Hindu language, but it may also include chants from Tibet and other parts of the world, as well as modern melodies and tunes.  I have been leading Kirtan on The Farm about a year now with a small group of about a dozen folks that get together up to twice a week, for what has become our favorite form of meditation. As we sing, the vibrations from our voices and instruments become as one, and there is an uplifting energy present that connects our hearts to one another and to the essence within us.
If you’d like to hear example of a chants we are doing, listen to...
KIRTAN with Douglas Stevenson and Ellen Foreman
The lyrics or words to each chant appear along the bottom of the screen.
Dances of Universal Peace: Building Community through Vibrations
A few months ago, our group also began incorporating a set of rhythmic movements known as Dances of Universal Peace. It is a very powerful spiritual practice and an incredible way to create a heart connection and build a sense of community. I will explain a little more below.
Which brings me to my 2018 calendar.
May 4-6, 2018 Join us for Awakening Heart
The first Dances of Universal Peace Weekend at The Farm Community
  • A Weekend of Dance Music and Celebration
  • Yoga and Kirtan
  • Guided Nature Walk
  • Farm Community Tour
  • All Vegetarian Meals Provided
  • Music, Love, and Spirit!
  • Click here for more information.
The Dances of Universal Peace (DUP) are a spiritual practice employing evocotive movements and singing sacred phrases and poetry from the world's spiritual traditions. The steps are simple and easy to learn, everyone in a circle, sometimes moving in one direction or the other, at other times with a partner, all while chanting and singing together.
As we dance and sing in unison, the vibrations from our voices and musical instruments become as one. There is an uplifting energy present that connects our hearts to one another and to the essence within us.
allaudin3We are thrilled to welcome Murshid Allaudin Ottinger, one of America’s best-loved leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace, as our dance leader for the weekend.
A senior teacher in the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Allaudin inspires one and all with his humility, clarity, and inclusive nature, raising the energy to a state of profound joy.

More about Dances of Universal Peace

The Dances of Universal Peace are derived from a lineage of Sufi Masters, teachers of the mystical form of Islam.
Hazarat Inayat Kahn brought Sufi philosophy and teachings to America in 1910, expanding the philosophy into a new form, Universal Sufism  which recognized the essential oneness of all humanity. 
“The Sufi,” said Inayat Khan, “sees the truth in every religion.”
inyat kahnHazrat Inayat Khan's teachings on sound and vibrations presented his vision of the harmony which encompasses every aspect of our lives.
"What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whole being is music; our mind and our body, the nature in which we live, the nature that has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music. We are close to all this music, and live and move and have our being in music...
The mystery of sound is mysticism; the harmony of life is religion. The knowledge of vibrations is metaphysics, the analysis of atoms is science, and their harmonious grouping is art. The rhythm of form is poetry, and the rhythm of sound is music.
This shows that music is the art of arts and the science of all sciences; and it contains the fountain of all knowledge within itself.
Music should be healing; music should uplift the soul; music should inspire."
May 18-20, 2018 The Conference on Community and Sustainability

Register Now!

Set your course for the future, Life In Community!
You really can grow most of the food your family needs.
With this 4 day intensive, we’ll garden every morning and you’ll get the hands-on experience and gain the confidence to get started on your own. We’ll visit other Permaculture homesteads and gardens, including Amish country.
There will be a special focus on beekeeping.

 Meet your host at GreenLife Retreats: Douglas Stevenson
A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about community based alternatives.
Take this one small step to be part of the solution!


Click here to take the survey.    I look forward to hearing from you.

I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreat Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path!
Speaking Engagements
At the same time, I recognize that I can reach a lot more people if I go outside the community.
One of my goals is to speak at colleges and universities where I can talk to young people about Right Livelihood, Service, and Finding Sanity in an Insane World. This is a time when people need to hear an uplifting message of hope.
If you are part of an organization, event, or school (or you just want to learn more about my life's work), I invite you to visit my web site, where you'll find information on my lecture topics and how to bring me to speak in your area.
Out to Change the World and The Farm Then and Now
Order both for just $33 including shipping!
Order both and save!
An Incredible NEW BOOK!
Following 7 years of research, Farm Community member Thomas Hupp uncovers the subtle forces that presently affect Politics, Economics and Your Health.
  • There is Economic Warfare going on and You are the target!
  • This Assault is being waged by a Power we cannot see.
  • Tracking Mr. Global educates citizens about  how the world is presently being controlled.
Only $15 plus $5 for shipping!
Oct Farm Experience Weekend
Fall Colors and a Fire Circle: Always a jam packed weekend. A time of reflection and introspection.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - the Web Site
www.awakening - The Podcast 
Our new birth resource web site is up. The Awakening Birth podcast is now available on iTunes.
Please spread the word to anyone in your circle who is thinking of having a baby, expecting, your favorite midwife, or care provider.
Please like us and give us a good review on iTunes. It helps!
Midwifery Workshops:
Swan Trust Activities & Hikes   Contact:
Permaculture Apprenticeships: Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at The Farm Community.

Spiral Ridge Permaculture - Workshops and Classes at a Permaculture Homestead down the road
Green Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office 931-626-4035 cell