Holidays for February
Feline Fix by Five Month
National Cat Health Month
National Pet Dental Health Care Month
National Prevent a Litter Month
Pet Dental Health Month
Responsible Animal Guardian Month
Responsible Pet Owner Month
Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
National Justice for Animals Week - February 21-27
Pet Theft Awareness Day - February 14
Love Your Pet Day - February 20
Spay Day USA/World - February 23
    (Last Tuesday)


Is your cat's food on a recall list?

Keep up to date on recalls, latest developments (and findings) with pet food:

All about grain-free pet foods:
The Worst Cat Foods
Did You Know?

Research suggests that a cat’s purr has the power to assist self-healing.

The purr isn’t just for when your cat is happy — purring helps cats to cope with illness and stress, and the vibrations may help an injured cat’s bones heal. By the same token, it also has been suggested that if you allow a purring cat to rest on your body, you can benefit from it, too.

These presidents had cats in the White House and Biden will be next:

The Bidens plan to add a cat to their pet family at the White House.
Along with photos of Major and Champ in their dog beds after what was surely a stressful move-in day, you’ll find pictures of President Biden’s granddaughter Naomi Biden’s cat, Winston, who is the official First Cat until the Bidens adopt a cat of their own, which they plan to do soon.

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Published on the 1st of the month.
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Thanks to Paul DeCeglie, an American writer based in Pattaya, Thailand, for providing content for this newsletter.

February 1, 2021     

Pet Food Considerations
Pet food is always in the news with recalls, new products, warnings, and health advice. Here are some of the articles we found this month that may interest you and help you care for your cats:
Shelf life
While most nutrients may have a decent shelf life and maintain their healthy benefits, one nutrient cannot be kept at optimum levels very long. That nutrient is vitamins. Natural vitamins degrade fairly rapidly, often losing 15% to 80% of their value at a rate of about 3% per month during their so-called shelf life. Synthetic vitamins last much longer, but the question remains: Are they as good as naturals?
In my opinion, this highlights the necessity of providing fresh food as much as possible, and watching the expiration dates on pet food packaging. That includes cans.

Natural vs. scientific, or is it natural PLUS scientific?
Upcoming trends in pet food manufacturing will encompass the concepts of natural ingredients as well as "science-led" technology in the formulation of pet foods. After the recent period of science-bashing, it will be refreshing to benefit from the combination of both approaches, according to Mars Petcare analysts in the U.K.
See also:

Petfood recall goes international
On January 25, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a list of countries to which pet food containing dangerous levels of aflatoxin may have been exported by Midwestern Pet Foods. As of January 21, 2021, FDA is aware of more than 110 pets that have died and more than 210 pets became sick.
This appears to be about pet food that contains grains, primarily corn, a very common ingredient in almost all pet foods. If not stored or processed correctly, a fungus can grow on the grain, releasing a poison known as aflatoxin. Cats in particular are not biologically equipped to digest grains properly, if at all, and perhaps we cat people need to be prudent about feeding grain-free foods to our pets, including dogs.

winter cat

This past week of January in the U.S. has seen incredibly widespread winter storms,
blanketing more than half of the states, with very cold temperatures, wind, and variable snowfall depths in many areas. Imagine the suffering of homeless cats in this situation. We all can help by providing warmth and protection from the elements in most areas, and if possible, rescue those that may be lost or abandoned.
Should you squirt your cats with water if they're behaving unacceptably?

Found on Facebook in one of the many cat groups:
"Please don't ever squirt your cats with water. They do not connect it with their behavior, only that it's coming from you. All that does is harm the trust bond between you and your cats. They are far more intelligent than most people realize and will respond if you redirect their energy toward appropriate outlets."

As a certified feline behavior consultant, I agree with this statement. That said, I also have seen cats that actually enjoy it! If it's clearly a game for the cat, I see no harm. If it's being employed as "discipline," I stand with the comment.

Loving and Being Loved By a Cat

Does your cat give "love bites?"

6 Ways Cats Show Love:

8 Ways to Say "I Love You" to Your Cat:"avior/8-surprising-ways-say-i-love-you-cat-language