BPS Newsletter - Issue 145                                                                                          24 June 2015
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 24 June
Unfortunately next week's scheduled speaker, Graham Hodgkiss, is unable to make it. However, we have a great stand in asTony Nutley  will be presenting his talk "40 years of photography in mainstream television and film". Tony is a full time professional who's not really sure if he's retired or not. He has done this extremely successfully for over fifty years. The majority of his work has been working on films and TV dramas all over the world. He has been responsible for producing the major photography on dramas as diverse as Inspector Morse through to Thomas the Tank Engine, via Sharpe, Cadfael, Soldier Soldier, and Foyles War, plus hundreds of other household names. He works almost entirely with personalities from actors to musicians, royalty, and politicians.
For more about Tony's work, please visit is website at http://www.tonynutley.co.uk/
Bristol Salon Show 2015
We will be presenting this year's Bristol Salon of Photography on Sunday 5 July at the clubrooms (2pm). If you missed the chance to see it when it was first shown at the old clubrooms, or you were so impressed that you want to see it again or if you'd like to bring someone else to see it, then please make a date in your diary. We have invited members of the other Bristol clubs and it would be great if we had a good turn out from our own members so that we can show off our new premises to their best advantage.
Visitors to BPS
You may have noticed a few new faces at the Wednesday meetings since we moved and as we’re hoping to increase our membership, Council has introduced a new subscription rate of £20 for a new member, for one three month period only. One person has already taken advantage of this and it’s hoped that, as word gets around, more people will be tempted by a longer ‘trial’ before deciding to join.
You may also have seen on the programme page of the website that visitors are welcome at a charge of £3 per visit, refundable on joining the Society. At present, a suggested limit of three visits has been set, so this is another option for someone to 'try before they buy'.
Clubrooms - Progress Report
We are now just about getting on top of the few outstanding items and annoying problems at the clubrooms, here is an update on progress:
Main Meeting Room
Projected images - I have a meeting this weekend with the company who supplied the projection equipment  to try to resolve the problem of the images being too low on the screen.
Prints - We have now received the remote controls for the camera and monitors that show prints being displayed. This means that images on the two wall mounted monitors should now be showing much larger and clearer.
Studio Lighting - We have now resolved the problem with the installation of the new studio lighting system, this is now planned for 9-14 July, after which we should have a studio setup that will be the envy of many clubs. Once this work is complete we will be able to move the background rolls from their present home on the floor to their proper position up on the wall.
Air Conditioning - Hopefully the gale force winds produced by the system when we first opened have now abated and members are finding it more comfortable.
First Floor
"The Other Room" - We are due to take delivery of a new digital projector within the coming week; this will be fixed on the wall which will mean that the room will be suitable for holding smaller meetings for both prints and projected images. This new projector will also mean that we do not have to denude the clubrooms of equipment when we take the Salon show on the road in the Spring.
Air Conditioning - One of the smaller air conditioning units in the main meeting room is due to be repositioned in "The Other Room" at the end of next week, this should make that room more comfortable and much less like an oven.
The Photographers' Ephemeris
If you were at least Wednesday's meeting you will have heard our speaker refer to the The Photographer's Ephemeris. If you'd like to know more about this you can visit their website where you will be able to read all about it and find the links to download it to your PC, phone or tablet.
Studio Group Competition
Following the success of last year’s studio competition, by popular demand, another studio competition will take place at the AGM this year with the task of wrestling the trophy away from Mike Bigger.
The studio competition will be for images taken during any of the studio group meetings that have taken place between 1st June 2013 and 28th April 2015 and not entered in this competition in 2014. Full details and rules can be downloaded here.
Warwick 2015
This year BPS represents the WCPF at the annual PAGB Interclub Projected Image Competition at Warwick on 11 July. It would be great to see a crowd of BPS members at the event to support the club at what is the Country's major interclub event. If you would like to support BPS and get tickets for this event, you can download an application form by following this link.
Photography News & PAGB eNews
If you missed the latest edition of Photography News, you can read it here.
Download The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain’s latest PAGB E-News (Number 140) here, this has a new web page with better image quality and improved access to back issues.
Forthcoming Events
Black Country Museum – 1940’s Weekend 18th & 19th July. Details
Severn Valley Railway – 1940’s Weekends 27th-28th June and 4th-5th July. Details
Blaenavon Railway – 1940’s Weekend 11th & 12th July. Details
Great Dorset Steam Fair – Wed 2nd to Sun 6th Sept. Details
Fotospeed Summer Spectacular
Fotospeed are holding a Summer Spectacular in July. There will be twelve different talks over the two days covering a wide variety of subjects from wildlife of the UK to landscapes of Iceland. The Summer Spectacular will also include a print exhibition and trade stands with special weekend prices not to be missed.
For a full timetable and list of speakers, please follow this link.
Those of you wanting to ride to club might like to know that there is a cycle rail on the low wall at the front where you can tie your velocipedes, so there is no longer any need to look for the nearest drain pipe to tether your steed!
Lost & Found!
A cyclist's helmet was left in the clubrooms last week, it is now residing on the computer desk at the back of the meeting room.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
It's that lady again! Val Duncan has now reached the heady heights of Associateship of British Photographic Exhibitions (ABPE). I was going to explain what this actually entails but I got tired typing it all out, so it might be easier if you just follow this link!

If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
Please let the newsletter editor know if/when any of the items listed are sold.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                          Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk