IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Codex Emergency, Whats New, What to Do

IAHF List: I just got off the air after doing a radio show broadcast here in S.Florida and am sitting in Al Foreman's office at Tunies Super Saver Nutrition Center in Coral Springs, FL, West of Fort Lauderdale.

This is an amazing 15,000 sq ft health food store which includes a 100 seat auditorium for lectures on health freedom issues and on anything pertaining to dietary supplements or alternative medicine, and I'll be giving a free public talk here today (Tuesday September 13th) from 4-6 PM about Codex, CAFTA, FTAA and also several dangerous domestic bills which threaten to repeal DSHEA. I'll also be showing "We Become Silent", the hard hitting documentary about Codex produced by award winning documentary maker Kevin P. Miller.

If you live in S. Florida- For directions to Tunies please go to http://www.tunies.com and tell your friends. I'll have a lot of useful material to hand out and will be selling Millers film as well as copies of the audio tape from the talk I gave in July at the PANLA conference which was the best public talk I've ever given.

If you can't come to my talk and would like this DVD and audio tape, please send $30. to IAHF at address below, shipping cost included.


Kevin Miller has gone way out on a limb for all of us by making this film which you can view at http://www.welltv.com and by purchasing a copy of his DVD from him or from IAHF to show to friends and family to spread this timely health freedom message. On Miller's website (welltv.com) you can get his address if you'd like to donate to his legal defense fund.

Its important that we all work together world wide to back this courageous man in order to assist him in making an EXPANDED VERSION of his film, and to help him pay his attorney because he's being SUED by a phony health freedom organization which attempted to CONTROL the contents of this film, but Miller REFUSED to cave in to their manipulations (thank God.)

This phony health freedom organization didn't want ANYTHING about CAFTA or FTAA put into the film, and their covert mission appears to be to attempt to DISTRACT the health freedom movement and to KEEP us from dovetailing with the anti globalization movement.

They have been trying to distract us into taking superfluous courses of action, such as focusing strictly on non moving domestic legislation which poses a threat to DSHEA, but when viewed in the context of a TRIAGE assessment against such BONAFIDE threats as CAFTA and FTAA is simply not worthy of nearly the same degree of concern, at least not at the present time.

This phony organization HELPED pharma interests to PASS CAFTA which as you know was ONLY passed due to a highly questionable SUSPENSION of House rules wherein we had DEFEATED the trade agreement, but they left the voting OPEN for an additional 47 minutes after ZEROS appeared on the clock and we had (seemingly) KILLED this unconstitutional measure.

Their goal appears to be to tie Miller up in court, and to DRAIN his meagre financial resources in an effort to BLOCK him from getting his existing message out and to BLOCK him from making a badly needed EXPANDED version of this 28 minute film so that it can focus also on the threat posed NOW by FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas).


Although the ultimate goal of the FTAA negotiations is officially described as being to achieve an area of free trade and regional "integration", the recent evidence of the EU project shows that this can only be achieved via the dismantling of the political and legal systems of participating nations and the replacing of these with a hemispheric government. In essence therefor, this is why many observers see the FTAA as an embryonic EU in the making.


19.1: "The Parties shall endeavor to work together in the framework of the regional and sub regional sanitary and phytosanitary organizations that exist in the Hemisphere in order to develop harmonized sanitary and phytosanitary standards, guidelines and recommendations for consideration by the corresponding international organizations as necessary."

19.2: "The Parties agree to collaborate in monitoring, at the hemispheric level, the process of international harmonization as established by the Committee on Sanitary Measures of the WTO."


"Harmonization" is a beautiful thing when it comes to music, but when it comes to making the laws THE SAME world wide, in accordance with the wishes of PREDATORY multinational corporations (who only care about $$$ and NOTHING ELSE) its NOT a good idea.

All the vitamin trade associations would have you believe that CODEX is a "non issue."

NNFA's legal counsel, Sidley Austin Brown & Wood has generated huge SPIN against IAHF's mssg.

WHY? Simple: they have numerous pharmaceutical clients and know which side their bread is buttered on. They're a huge multinational law firm with offices on 3 continents and 1500 + attorneys. The largest companies which dominated NNFA want one size fits all regulations for the planet, and they don't CARE if this negatively impacts consumers because all they care about is grabbing increased marketshare to please investors.

They'll make ANY concession to get the dietary supplement laws made the SAME world wide so they only have to manufacture one set of products with one set of labels that can be sold anywhere.

To get this, they have no problem flushing the US Constitution down the TOILET and DESTROYING our country (and EVERY COUNTRY) in our hemisphere, and CAFTA was the first step down this slippery slope.


FDA was going to have a public meeting in Miami, and I was going to attend in order to give them a piece of my mind, and to get lots of others to join me, I wanted to videotape this confrontation, and put it on the web to spur more people world wide to REBEL against Codex and the evil policies of the pharma cartel.

FDA cancelled this meeting at the LAST MINUTE, however, leaving me STUCK with priceline air tickets that I couldn't cancel, so I was LOCKED IN to making the trip.

Since the FDA meeting was cancelled, and I no longer had to go to Miami, instead, I saved a lot of money that I would have had to spend staying at a hotel in Miami by staying at the home of a health freedom fighter in Pompano Beach who is active in Cancer Victors and Friends, an alternative health promoting organization that defends access to vitamins.

I also decided to go on Al Foreman's radio show to promote the public talk I'm giving today, and to reconnect with a region where I once lived for 7 years because its a huge hotbed of health freedom activists and proponents of alternative medicine.

I'm building IAHF stronger people, and need your help to do it so I can travel all over the USA and the world to bring our health freedom message to the masses.

TOGETHER we CAN stop the New World Order and the Pharma Cartel!!

See the address below to order the DVD "We Become Silent" and or the Audio Tape from the hour long health freedom presentation I made on these issues in July at PANLA.

If you would like just the DVD, its $24. inc. shipping, but if you'd like the package of the DVD and Audio tape its just $30. inc. shipping. If you want just the audio tape its $10. inc shipping. If you've ordered already and are patiently waiting, please be patient, I'll ship your order on Friday upon my return from this trip.

IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281

For additional info please read Greg Ciola's interview with me in the Special Codex issue of The Health Crusader Magazine at http://www.healthliesexposed.com

Thank You!
