Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ruth 2:17-18a So she gleaned in the field until evening. Then she beat out what she had gleaned, and it was about an ephah of barley. And she took it up and went into the city.


Ruth proved to be a diligent worker in the fields belonging to Boaz. Even though Boaz treated her with great kindness, she did not take advantage of him. At supper time, she ate what he provided for her, then she got up and returned to the field where we are told she "gleaned ... until evening." Ruth showed Boaz the utmost respect as the owner of the field, and she showed herself willing to continue in her labor.

When we are in our fields of labor, serving as employees, we do well not to treat our employers badly, not to talk angrily about them, not to harbor evil in our hearts toward them -- even if they are not as kind toward us as Boaz was toward Ruth. Remember that you are not only laboring for them, but more importantly you are laboring for the LORD.

You are working for the LORD because He is ultimately the One who has given you the work to do. And He is not a hard taskmaster, but has loved you with all love in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Paul wrote: "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men" (Ephesians 6:7).

As Ruth worked hard in the barley field, we honor God when we work hard in our fields of labor, whatever they may be. Whether we are students, full-time mothers, factory workers, sales clerks, volunteers -- whatever our work may be, we show our thanks to the LORD for His gifts when we treat those for whom we work in a God-pleasing way and when we are diligent in our duties.