Dear Neighbor,
Best wishes to you and your families this 4th of July holiday weekend 🇺🇸
Here’s what’s happening around Hoboken.
Constituent Services Office Hours
A series of open office hours are being offered throughout Hoboken’s six wards by Hoboken's Office of Constituent Services. These monthly office hours will be held with our hard-working Head of Constituent Services, Nora Martínez DeBenedetto, along with Mayor Bhalla or Departmental Heads. Have a question about parks or flooding? Look for an announcement soon about open office hours with Director of Environmental Services, Jennifer Gonzalez, and Chief Resiliency Officer, Caleb Stratton.
Additionally, the Constituent Services Office is open for appointments Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. Residents can book a Constituent Services Office Hour appointment via email at or by calling (201) 420-2000 ext. 1311. Or just stop by -- if Nora is available, she will be happy to assist!
Hoboken High School Graduation
I was honored to attend the joyous celebration of Hoboken High School’s Class of 2022 graduation last week.
I was particularly impressed by the Class Valedictorian, Rowan Ellison, who will be attending Brown University. Rowan closed his class valedictorian speech with the words “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!” Rowan received a well-deserved — and rousing — ovation from the crowd.
Valedictorian Rowan Ellison
Hoboken High School graduates will attend an impressive list of colleges and universities that you can check out here. This talented class also received more than $17.5 million in scholarships and awards for higher education! Congratulations and best wishes to the Hoboken High School Class of 2022, their friends, and proud families.
Congratulations to the Class of ‘22!
Mojo Coffee
Ribbon Cutting
On Monday, I was honored to join an official ribbon-cutting ceremony with Mayor Bhalla and Hoboken Business Alliance President James Runkle welcoming Mojo Coffee to a new location at 8th and Bloomfield. Congratulations to Hoboken resident Jess Nisler for opening a business that has been warmly embraced by the neighborhood. Mojo Coffee is open every day 7 am - 5:30 pm. Check it out!
Mayor Bhalla cuts the Ribbon
COVID-19 Updates
As of June 27th, Hoboken’s positive test results total 12,509 cases confirmed since the start of the pandemic. Two weeks ago, there were 12,214 positive cases.
New Jersey’s transmission rate is presently at 0.97. Please stay vigilant, practice social distancing when necessary, wash your hands, and stay safe.
HUMC is now hospitalizing 4 people with COVID, 1 of whom is a Hoboken resident. If you have any reason to believe you have been exposed to COVID, please quarantine and then schedule an appointment for a COVID test 5-7 days for those fully vaccinated and immediately for those unvaccinated after potential exposure. To find out when you should get tested, click here.
COVID Testing Updates
To get the current Hoboken COVID testing and hours click here.
Testing for Hoboken Residents and Business Employees:
605 Jackson Street (Administered by Medicine Man)
Date: Wednesday
Time: 8am - 12pm
Location: 605 Jackson Street
Type of testing: PCR
Who: Hoboken residents, Hoboken business employees
At-home testing
The NJ Department of Health and Vault Medical Services offers free, at-home COVID-19 saliva test kits. To order your kit go to I ordered four free test kits from the federal government for my family, and you can order yours at
COVID Vaccination News
To get current information on Hoboken vaccinations and clinic schedules click here.
Testing for Hoboken Residents, Business Employees, and Students:
605 Jackson Street (Administered by Medicine Man)
Date: Monday
Time: 5pm - 8pm
Location: 605 Jackson Street
Type of vaccine: Moderna pediatric vaccine; Pfizer and Moderna boosters
Who: Hoboken residents, Hoboken business employees, Hoboken students
Ages: 3 – 5 years old (Moderna pediatric vaccine), 5 + (booster)
If you are a Hoboken resident and would like a copy of your vaccination record, please contact Vaccination records are also accessible for all New Jersey residents through the Docket app.
Coffee with Cohen . . . the home edition
Last year, to practice social distancing, rather than eliminate my monthly Coffee with Cohen events, I turned to the internet. For my 59th Coffee with Cohen event, it was great to return to the coffee shops of the 5th Ward where Coffee with Cohen began when we met at The Hive on Wednesday morning. Thanks to our hosts Catherine and Kristin for being such great hosts at The Hive and thanks to the 25 people who stopped by for coffee, croissants, and conversation with me and Special Guests Mayor Bhalla and Public Safety Director Ken Ferrante.
My next Coffee with Cohen event will be in two weeks and stay tuned for details on social media. Do you have a question? Send it to as I try to address each one. Many past events are recorded and hosted on my Facebook page and you can watch them here.
You can stay up to date by following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. If you have any questions or concerns, or I can be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Phil Cohen
Hoboken City Councilman
Hoboken, New Jersey
(862) 234-9053
P.S. You can learn more about me and my ideas for Hoboken (as well as read this newsletter and prior newsletters) on my website