Dear ,
The closest I have ever been to Sinterklaas was in 2011,
when he had asked me to pick him up from his Dutch residence,
with horse and carriage, and bring him to all the children waiting for him.
I enjoyed every minute of it!
I wanted to play for Sinterklaas for all of you this year, but none of the
presents I could think of would be better than the gift Google came up with...:
The Google Translate App.
It can do so much more than the on-line application!
And, best of all, it is for free ;-)
Some of the features:
* Type to translate 90 languages
* Use your camera to translate text instantly in 26 languages
* Two-way automatic speech translation in 40 languages
* Download language packs for when you're traveling,
or if your connection is expensive or slow.
So, I would say: download the App, and try it out!
You could use my favorite Sinterklaas song to see if it works...
(You can hear the song here)
If you want to make your own Dutch sentences without an App,
but you are having troubles with certain grammar, you are welcome at my
"Hammer the Dutch Grammar" Afternoon:
Tuesday January 19th, 13:30-16:00.
You can bring your own grammar books or request special exercises.
€25,- pp, €40 for 2 if you bring a friend.
Before I forget, some of you will probably be curious
about who has won last month's prize...
(The Dutch folding basket, for the first one to solve the logiquiz, remember?)
Susanne & Ante Gaspar,
they sent me the right answers within 30 minutes after the mailing was out!
(And a quick runner-up was Nataliya Pshenichnaya)
Gefeliciteerd, well done!

This picture of Susanne was taken after we had a great time playing
but more about that in my next newsletter.
Oh, okay then, a sneak peek for now ;-)
Stay tuned! Have a great Sinterklaas!
Sylvia Clements
P.S.: the latest schedule for the Dutch courses is always here.