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Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses
    August 2017 Update
Dear Supporter,

In this Newsletter....
Racing NSW promise. True reform or just spin?
Spring Racing Carnival Action 

but first.....

Ban Jumps Racing Rally - Ballarat Racecourse

The 2017 jumps season is nearing towards the end, but it doesn’t appear that an end to the cruelty is in sight.

So far five horses have already been killed in the sport of jumps racing this season alone, and we fear that more will lose their lives before the season ends in late September.

We’ve been out at most races and trials ensuring that we capture the footage of every mishap to show the continuing cruelty of jumps racing, and also speaking up for racehorses in the media.

Jumps x 3Image: Recent jumps racing falls documented by our field workers
Two ways to take action for jumps horses now:

·    Write to your MP and demand a ban on jumps racing (or if you want to take your campaigning to the next level you can request to meet your MP and hold them to account). We’ve set up an online form on our website to make this lobbying quick and easy.

·    Come to our Ballarat ‘Super Jumps Racing’ demo: The Ballarat Turf Club is hosting an entire day of jumps racing on August 20 dubbed ‘Super Jumps Day’ so we will be there to speak up for the horses. If you can attend please reply to this email with your full name and phone number.

Rally details: Super Jumps Demo
Sunday 20th August 2017
11am onwards
Ballarat Turf Club (Miner’s Rest)
Keep up to date via our event page.

Racing NSW set to ban racehorses being sent to slaughter!


Earlier this month Racing NSW announced they would be placing a ban on sending horses used by the racing industry to slaughter. Full article here. 

The ban is yet to be ratified by the board, and we will be watching closely for the details. While this is great news, there are some issues to be covered.

A ban will mean nothing if horses can still be shipped interstate for slaughter, or if they are only temporarily rehomed before going to an abattoir. As we’ve said since the introduction of the retirement form – it must be ensured that participants are not lying about where the horses in their care go (we’re still waiting to hear if horses are followed up on when retired to ensure they actually went where their connections said they did).

Unfortunately, this initiative does not include the horses that don’t make it to the racetrack and does not include the mares that are retired from the breeding cycle.

It also raises a broader problem – overbreeding. A common reason horses are sent to slaughter is because of the indiscriminate breeding within the racing industry. And it has to be stopped.

We still have a long way to go. But for now, we’re celebrating the fact that the industry is listening. For years, they were not held accountable and as a result, horses were suffering. Thank you to every single one of you who spoke out and forced horse welfare onto their agenda.
Spring Racing Carnival is just around the corner!

It’s almost that time of the year when the horse racing marketing machine gets into gear and tries to lure Melbournians to the racetrack during the Spring Carnival. One thing is for sure and that is that CPR will definitely be in attendance.

In the last 9 years, CPR has successfully brought attention to the plight of horses used by the racing industry which has seen attendance figures to the Melbourne Cup Carnival plummet by 20%. There are now industry funded re-homing programs (albeit very small) in several states and as noted in the article above, even a pledge by Racing NSW that no horses will be sent to the knackery.

This has come about as a result of the hard work put in by many CPR volunteers who dedicate their time and passion towards ending the exploitation and suffering of horses used by the racing industry. We have achieved much but there is still a long way to go and we need your help. Please fill out our application form and our volunteer coordinator will be in touch to welcome you and discuss where your skills and abilities can be best utilised to serve the horses we work to protect.

Save The Dates
At our upcoming Spring Carnival events, we want you there! Please pencil in the following dates....

21 October    Caulfield Cup
4 November  Derby Day
6 November  Melbourne Cup Parade
7 November  Melbourne Cup Picnic (not to be missed)

MC Picnic 2016
If you've never felt good about celebrating the Melbourne Cup, there’s no reason not to anymore. 

CPR’s Picnic and Protest is a great way to be a voice for the horses and celebrate the positive changes that are now taking place. With over 200 people in attendance last year, this year is set to be even bigger and better. Mark your diaries!
Alternatively, why not host your own 'Nup to the Cup' event? This is a great way to come together and enjoy your day whilst also boycotting horse cruelty. Whether you're a social group, an organisation, or a business we'd be happy to promote your cruelty-free celebration via our website, newsletter and social media channels. Simply reply to this email with your event details. 
CPR totally relies on donations to fund our investigations and campaigns. We'd really appreciate any kind of financial support, even if it's a dollar or two.
PO Box 163 South Melbourne, 3205 VIC 
03 9016 3277 (3-CPR) | |