Farm Fresh News - May 2018

Dear friends,

May has been a busy month, with our incredible Awakening Heart dance weekend, then I took a trip to visit family the following weekend, leading directly into preparing for my conference on Community and Sustainability. At the same time, I have put out 50 tomato plants, a couple dozen squash and zucchini plants, cucumbers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, and started 3 new bee hives. It's all part of getting things ready for my conference this weekend and the upcoming Organic Gardening Intensive. Right after the conference four of us will be leaving for the Ozark Sufi Dance Camp.
As you can see from our calendar above, one of the best aspects of living in community is that we have always have a lot going on, combining a very active social life with a rural lifestyle. Of course, this list really just scratches the surface of what is going on here from one week to the next.
So much more to come!
The Awakening Heart Dance Weekend was incredible, with over 70 people from 9 states and 5 countries coming together for a bit of magic!
For a number of people, it was their first dance experience, and I can honestly say they were blown away at the energy in the room, the beauty of the voices, the unity, and the delicious, sacred silence after a dance would conclude.
I am partnering with a group called the Sacred Circle Dances to bring these dances to Nashville. On Friday June 22, from 7-9 PM, we will gather at the Quaker House, 530 26th Ave. N, Nashville, TN 37209, a beautiful, vaulted ceiling chapel, located downtown. Let me know if you would like to join us.


I always have a great time during the Organic Gardening Intensive. It's the best my garden looks all year! 

With this 4 day intensive, you’ll get the hands-on experience and gain the confidence to get started on your own.
We begin on Thursday evening with dinner, followed by a presentation overview on gardening for food production, showing how you can produce all the fruits, vegetables and protein you need to feed yourself and your family.
Friday morning we’ll gather in the garden at 6 AM and beat the heat. At 9 AM we’ll break for showers and breakfast. Next, we’ll visit the local Amish community other Permaculture homesteads.
Saturday we’ll visit gardens around The Farm, and stop by The Farm Market Day under the dome. We'll spend the afternoon harvesting honey!

Bee Update!

 My My daughter and I transporting a captured swam, placed in smaller hive body called a "nuc."

This was one of the coldest winters here in Tennessee in a long time and it was particularly hard on my bees. They just didn't seem ready for it. I started the winter with 3 hives, and by spring, I was down to one.

It was the first winter where I left them plenty of honey and did not have to feed them any sugar syrup in the fall. They didn't run out of honey. One hive that died completely had almost a full box or super of honey left.

When it turns cold, bees will move to the top box, because as we all know, heat rises. Unfortunately, the super full of honey was the one below the top box. I guess it was not in their programming to go back down.

In another hive, the bees died on a frame that still had honey, just a few inches over to one side. It appears they froze before they could move over, or were afraid to try moving their cluster. This hive had some number of bees left, but I could not find a queen or any signs of the queen starting to lay. I merged them with my one remaining hive, which is now going strong and putting up honey.

In April I purchased 2 new starter hives of package bees, approximately 3000 bees in a screened in box, plus a queen. These both appear to be doing well, but I do not expect to get any honey from them this year.

One thing I did last year to expand my hive numbers is set up my daughter with 4 hives on her 25 acres just down the road. Last summer we did 2 splits, purchasing a queen and then putting her with 5 frames of eggs from my stronger hives. We also got a box of package bees from a friend who won it at a beekeeping workshop. Another came from a local friend who was ready to give up on beekeeping.

Last month, at the end of April, a few days after the arrival of my starter hives, two of my daughter's hives swarmed! This is when the hive splits in two, with the original queen leaving the hive and taking half the bees with her, while the remaining bees hatch a new queen. One swarm was about 20 feet up in a tree and the other landed on a branch very close to the ground. We were able to capture both swarms, cutting off the branches and dropping them and into a small hive called a "nuc," short for nucleus. It holds only 5 frames, while our other hives have 8 frames. It appears were successful in capturing the queen, because both swarms have remained in their new home. It has been almost a month, and I am now ready to move them into a full size hive. 

I have bee suits for everyone who attends the Gardening Intensive! Click here to learn more!
A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about community based alternatives.
Take this one small step to be part of the solution!
Click here to take the survey.    I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreats Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path!

October 19-21, 2018 Farm Experience Weekend  Fall Colors and a Fire Circle: Always a jam packed weekend. A time of reflection and introspection.


Speaking Engagements
At the same time, I recognize that I can reach a lot more people if I go outside the community. One of my goals is to speak at colleges and universities where I can talk to young people about Right Livelihood, Service, and Finding Sanity in an Insane World. This is a time when people need to hear an uplifting message of hope.
If you are part of an organization, event, or school (or you just want to learn more about my life's work), I invite you to visit my web site, where you'll find information on my lecture topics and how to bring me to speak in your area.
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Midwifery Workshops:
Swan Trust Activities & Hikes   Contact:
Permaculture Apprenticeships: Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at The Farm Community.
Spiral Ridge Permaculture - Workshops and Classes at a Permaculture Homestead down the road

banner - the Web Site
www.awakening - The Podcast 

Our birth resource web site for families seeking guidance on subjects such as

  • Choosing a Care Provider.
  • Health and Diet
  • Challenges and Complications
  • and much more!
  • The Awakening Birth podcast is now available on iTunes or at

Please spread the word to anyone in your circle who is thinking of having a baby, expecting, your favorite midwife, or care provider. Please like us and give us a good review on iTunes. It helps!

GreenLife Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office / cell