Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to 2015, and I hope you are too. We've got a lot of exciting things planned for this year. 
My new album, GO LIVE YOUR LIFE, will be available March 1st! This is one of the most personal albums I've ever recorded, as I wrote or co-wrote all but one of the songs on the album.  Most of you know I battled colon cancer a few years ago, and writing for this album truly became a therapeutic experience for me. I can't wait to share these songs with you!
I'm also happy to let you know about a very special way you can be involved in this project. I'm partnering with PledgeMusic, and for the next 45 days, you'll have the opportunity to pre-order GO LIVE YOUR LIFE and to receive the digital download of the album prior to its release date.  In addition, we'll be offering up some one-of-a-kind items and experiences. From autographed CDs to personalized voice messages to concert VIP passes to solo house concerts, we have put together some opportunities that I hope you'll really enjoy.  Plus, through my PledgeMusic page, you'll gain access to our exclusive album updates. 
Visit my page here:
Thank you so much for all the support you've shown throughout the years. I'm blessed to have a community of fans and friends like you. 