
If this is your first Principal's Notes, welcome! If you are a past parent and wish to move on, their should be an "unsubscribe" button at the bottom. Here you will find some reminders, some details of the day, and a lot of random thoughts.

It is 8:19 and all students are now officially in class. That's a record for us.

Seniors had a "Senior Sunrise" today sponsored by the NHS. They arrived early on their last first day and were treated to some donuts.

We also added a Packer Nation sign to our landscape for a couple of days. Lots of parents were taking pictures with their ninth graders behind that sign this morning. You are welcome to do so.

If you have a Senior, enjoy your very busy year. When it gets to December, look out! The ball rolls quickly towards Graduation Sunday!

Thanks for reading. These go out about twice a week until we get to "Graduation Season" which beings around the middle of April. At that point, these become fairly rare.

Be Well,
Scott Sherman
It's A Great Day To Be A Packer!

Support Information
Arbor Circle in Newaygo County: http://www.arborcircle.org/programs-services
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 24/7 trained support
Crisis Text Line for Teens Text "Listen" to 741-741 24/7 trained support
Please remember to remind your child to report any neglect or bullying they see.