March 2013
Alumni participation in the 
25th Anniversary Summer Course!
This is the newsletter of the International Master of Affective Neuroscience and the Summer School on Anxiety and Depression.
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25th Summer Course:
7 - 12 July 2013
Villa Finaly, Florence (Italy)
On the occasion of our 25th Summer Course, a limited number of places in the Summer Course on Mood, Aggression & Attraction will be reserved for our former graduates! Alumni are welcome to join the course for the whole week: attend regular and special lectures, join small group discussion, and enjoy exchanging ideas with new and old colleagues, and leading scientist in an informal atmosphere.
Experience the New Topics
From 'Mood & Anxiety Disorders' towards  'Affective Neuroscience'
The Master started in 1989 as a postdoctoral training based in a series of annual intensive, one-week residential courses. Following a process of continuous development towards a distinct emphasis on scientific research training, the residential courses evolved towards a two-year part-time Master degree in Affective Neuroscience (MsAFN).
Affective neuroscience is the study of the brain mechanisms underlying emotional behavior. Virtually all psychiatric disorders are characterized or at least accompanied by some degree of emotional disturbance. Emotions such as anxiety, fear, panic, lowered or elated mood, aggression, frustration or attraction do not only characterize psychiatric disorders but are also prominent in normal daily life. Interpersonal and social behavior is equally imprinted by emotional experience and expression. Finally, the learning process of how emotions develop and change is fundamental to psychological therapy. Affective neuroscience increasingly contributes to the insight in the underlying biological mechanisms of psychological therapy and can thus drive the improvement of current therapies and development of new ones.
Current developments in the field illustrate the need for interdisciplinary and translational approaches; the combination of clinical and fundamental research is essential to evaluate new therapies and to come to a deeper understanding of emotions.
The MsAFN offers a common ground where all these disciplines meet, in the study of (pathological) emotions in all its empirical scientific aspects.
What is in there for you?

The summer couse is an ideal opportunity for you as a clinician, whether psychologist or medical doctor, to update your knowledge of the fundamentals of affective disorders. If you are a pre-clinical researcher, the course offers the opportunity to study the mechanisms of these prevalent and invalidating disorders from the point of view of clinical researchers. In our opinion, the greatest advances of insight in Neuroscience are made when these two worlds meet. The present summer course is an ideal venue to make these meetings happen in a stimulating but informal environment.
The Summer Course on Mood, Aggression & Attraction is accredited with 35.5 CME credits by the European Accreditation Committee in CNS (EACIC).
Practical information

Villa Finaly
Chancellerie des Universités de Paris
Via Bolognese, 134R
50139 Firenze, Italy
Fee & Registration:
A special reduced fee is set on €350 and includes coffee breaks and lunch each day, Welcome Drink on Sunday, and 25th Anniversary 'Aperitivo'.
Please mail your registration form to Leni ( before May 15th. You can download the registration form on the e-campus (Username: Alumni, Password: Alumni). 
You will receive an invoice of the financial department of the Maastricht University once you are registrated. All questions regarding payment should be directed to Leni Noteborn. 
Accomodation is not included. A list of hotels can be found on the e-campus (Username: Alumni, Password: Alumni).