Aandeelshouerverklaring vir die Woolworths Algemene Jaarvergadering op 26.11.14
[Attached and below this Afrikaans statement is an English translation]
As ‘n belegger in Woolworths is ek genoop om my bekommernis oor die beeld en die etiek van die maatskappy waarin ek ‘n aansienlike deel van my spaargeld belê het, openbaar te maak.
Die Woolworths handelsmerk word toenemend bevraagteken. Woolworths voer hulle produkte soos pretsels, koeskoes, matzos, koljander en vrugte in van Israel. Die eintlike kwessie is nie die hoeveelheid produkte uit Israel op Woolworths se rakke nie, maar wel die bestaan van handelsooreenkomste tussen Woolworths en Israeli besighede. Israel is berug vir wydskaalse en voortgesette menseregteskendings in die besette Palestynse gebied (Gaza, die Wes-Oewer en Oos-Jerusalem). Vreedsame, ekonomiese weerstand teen Israel en haar vennote is geensins ‘n protes teen Jode nie, maar wel teen ‘n sistemiese beleid van onderdrukking. Die boikot, disinvestering en sanksies veldtog (BDS) is deel van ‘n internasionale strategie soortgelyk aan dié een wat Suid-
Afrikaanse apartheid help beëindig het. Wêreldwyd het bekende besighede en kerke reeds BDS stappe in werking gestel – nié weens politiese redes nie, maar vir etiese beweegredes.
Woolworths sê hulle is ‘n etiese maatskappy. Woolworths se produkte is van uitstaande gehalte en geliefd onder Suid-Afrikaners. Dis die resultaat van toewyding en ekstra moeite.. En tog, met betrekking tot hul verhouding met Israel argumenteer Woolworths dat hulle die wet nakom en nie meer hoef te doen nie. Wetgewing is egter net die basis van ‘n gemeenskap of ‘n besigheid se moraliteit. Etiek begin immers waar die reg stop. Wat sou die kwaliteit van Woolworths se produkte wees met ‘n besigheidstrategie wat in alle opsigte bloot die wet nakom en nie ekstra moeite doen om die beste vir hul klante te bied nie? As aandeelhouer vra ek van Woolworths konsekwentheid in integriteit. Dit impliseer etiese verantwoordbaarheid en leierskap in ooreenstemming met die
groeiende internasionale, nie-gewelddadige oproep om boikot, disinvestering en sanksies teen Israel. In Suid-Afrika het Karstens Plase reeds hul bande met die Israeliese uitvoerder Hadiklaim verbreek, en Woolworths kan die eerste Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelaar wees om so ‘n stap te neem.
As iemand wat die belang van menswaardigheid vir alle mense ag ondersteun ek die vreedsame boikot teen Woolworths saam met ander Christene, nie-Sionistiese Jode, Moslems en andere. As Suid-Afrikaners met ons bepaalde geskiedenis het ons by uitstek ‘n rol om te speel in die blootlegging van Israel se dekadelange, geïnstitusionaliseerde wandade teenoor die Palestyne. Dit is nou ons beurt om in solidarteit met die onderdruktes te wees. As aandeelhouer verwag ek van Woolworths om hul beleid van etiek in alle opsigte toe te pas en besigheidsvertroue te herstel. Die oortuiging van ‘n handelsmerk het te make met die mate waarop waardes prakties uitgeleef word.
Independent Researcher, Writer & Communications Consultant
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English Translated Statement
Shareholder statement by Marthie Momberg for the Woolworths Annual General Meeting on 26.11.14
As an investor in Woolworths I am compelled to reveal my concern about the image and the ethics of the company in which I invested a considerable amount of my savings.
The Woolworths brand is increasingly questioned. The real issue is not the number of Israeli products on the shelves of Woolworths, but rather the existence of contracts between Woolworths and Israeli businesses. Israel is well known for its continued, systemic violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories (Gaza, the West Bank and East-Jerusalem). Peaceful, economic resistance against Israel and her partners is by no means a protest against Jews, but against a systemic regime of oppression. The boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (BDS) is part of an international strategy similar to the one which helped to end South African apartheid. Major businesses and churches, across the globe have already implemented BDS. They did so not because they are politically driven, but for ethical reasons.
Woolworths say they are an ethical company. Woolworths’ products are of outstanding quality and are loved by South Africans. It is the result of dedication, courage and a commitment to quality. And yet, with regard to their relation with Israel Woolworths argues that they adhere to the law and need not do anything more. Ethical behaviour demands moral leadership. Laws are prerequisites that apply to everyone. It codifies practices, ideals, norms and moral values as the minimum that is required in a society, whilst ethics starts where the law ends. What would the quality of Woolworths’ products be if their business strategy simply adheres to the law and ignores going the extra mile? As shareholder I expect a consistent, reliable integrity from Woolworths. It implies responsible ethics in line with the growing international appeal for boycott, disinvestment and sanctions against Israel. South African Karstens Farms has already demonstrated ethical leadership by cutting its ties with Israeli exporter Hadiklaim. Woolworths can be the first South African retail company to take this step."
As a person who values the human dignity of all I, together with South Africans from all walks of life, support ‘the non-violent boycott against Woolworths. With our history of apartheid South Africans have a special role to play in saying no to Israel’s decades long institusionalised violations of the Palestinians. It is now our turn to express our moral support with the oppressed. As shareholder I expect Woolworths to practice what they preach and to restore trust in the business. The integrity –and the viability – of a brand has to do with values that are embodied.