Promoting Alpacas and Your Alpaca Farm Sept 26-27,2015
Promoting Alpacas and National Alpaca Farm Days
This weekend you, like many of our wholesale partners, may be having a fun open farm event as part of National Alpaca Farm Days (Saturday, Sunday, September 26-27, 2015)
*New* Alpaca Farm Photo Gallery
Promote alpaca! Send in your pictures of the fun at your farm this weekend. A new Alpaca Farm Photo Gallery will soon be launched and SEO promoted on www.ChoiceAlpacaProducts.com.
The Alpaca Farm Photo Gallery promotes the fun and unique experience of visiting an alpaca farm. Our Preferred Retailers Map already gets a lot of web traffic from people looking to visit alpaca farms. The gallery will compliment the map by showcasing people having fun at alpaca farms, greatly encouraging visits!
Why send in your farm event pictures?
- Promotes alpacas and the visiting of alpaca farms.
- Promotes shopping for alpaca products and perhaps alpacas!
- Include pictures of your farm, your logo, signs, products, etc.
- We'll issue you a $10 off coupon for a future order.
- The Alpaca Farm Gallery will be search engine (SEO) promoted.
- Short edited YouTube videos can also be submitted.
With all the fun, don't forget your camera this weekend!
* By submitting images to us you agree to let us use them in our new photo gallery and for future promotions of alpaca products and events. Choice Alpaca Products will, at it's discretion deside which images are appropriate for the gallery or other uses.
Free alpaca business marketing on the MAP
We’ve been heavily marketing The Map on Social Media, all to promote alpaca and the businesses that ARE alpaca!
Search “alpaca retailer” on Google and you’ll see:
Or try Microsoft’s BING search engine:
If you're a Preferred Choice Alpaca Retailer, your business is being promoted now through our Perferred Alpaca Retailer Map. Get ready for visit requests!
Choice Alpaca Preferred Retailers have made at least one $500+ purchase of Choice Alpaca Products. If you're not in, place your order now (details)!
Promoting alpaca to 1000s - $100 Contest |
We ARE CURRENTLY conducting a National Alpaca Farm Days nationwide promotion campaign. It is heavily focused on getting more visitors to YOUR farm!
A $100 prize contest which encourages "promoting alpaca" on social media and encourages visiting nearby alpaca farms. We anticipate a 50,000 person campaign reach for NAFD weekend!
Choice Alpaca Preferred Retailers on The MAP are especially promoted, as we encourage farm visitors to take an "Alpaca Selfie" when they visit to win the $100 prize and other prizes.
If you're a Preferred Choice Alpaca Retailer, your business is already being promoted through our Perferred Alpaca Retailer Map. Get ready for visitors!
Choice Alpaca Preferred Retailers have made at least one $500+ purchase of Choice Alpaca Products. If you're not in, place your qualifying order now (details)!
See the national alpaca promotion contest here:
We encourage you to also enter the Promote Alpaca social media sweepstakes, "plugging" your business in your social media replies is encouraged! Let's promote alpaca together!
Choice Alpaca Products P. O. Box 8598 La Jolla, CA 92038