BPS Newsletter - Issue 119                                                                             10 December 2014

To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 10 December
Next Wednesday sees Round 2 of the Print Competition which is being judged by Adrian Herring ARPS DPAGB. Adrian is a member of Kingswood Photographic Society and is a Fotospeed sponsored speaker. You can read more about Adrian and see some of his pictures by following this link.     
Digital Imaging Group
Monday, 8 December is the next meeting of the DI Group. As usual all members are welcome, even more so if you bring along some pictures to show. These can be prints or projected (jpegs on memory sticks only please), either just to show everyone what you've been up to lately or to ask for advice. This week Ashwin hopes to talk on the theme of layers and how to use layers to enhance your images.
Being the last meeting before Christmas, Ashwin has promised "indulgent" chocolate biscuits!
Projected Image Competition - League Table
After Round 2 of the Projected Image Competition the League Table looks like this: 


Drew Lawrence 8

Helen Morgan

Richard Kay 5 5
David Alderson 1 2

Mark Stanton 3

Mike Fox



John Hudson 4 5

Val Duncan 3 5

Derwood Pamphilon 3 2

Greg Duncan

John Chamberlin 1 1

Rob Gillet 1 1

Ann Mead

Jeff Hargreaves 1

Beryl Heaton

Mary Pears 1

Keith Wood

BPS Website - Members' Gallery
Barry Mead is still on the lookout for new images to put in the Members' Gallery. Images can be on any subject and should be saved as jpegs, sized at 600 pixels along the longest side (be that horizontal or vertical) and saved at 72 dpi. 
File names should just be the title of the image (plus number if you want them in a paricular order) e.g. 1 Brilliant Image.jpg The system isn't too keen on funny characters but hyphens are OK
Clubroom Equipment
On the night of Round 2 of the Projected Image Competition I found that the remote control for the projection screen wouldn't work, when I removed the cover to check the batteries I found that instead of the batteries being flat, one of them was actually missing - so no wonder it didn't work! I'm not asking for the culprit to step forward, but I would ask that if anyone finds the need to replace one of the batteries in their own equipment when using the studio or clubrooms, borrow one of ours "in an emergency" by all means, but please put it back when finished - a screen that won't come down is bloomin' nuisance, not to say an embarrassment when we have a visiting speaker and a screen firmly stuck to the ceiling!
New Clubrooms - Update
We'd just to keep you all up to date with what's happening concerning the new clubrooms. The seller of Montpelier/buyer of West Mall has unfortunately only just put in his planning application (26 November) for the change of use of the clubrooms from commercial to residential; this is likely to take until late January before it is granted and will affect the Completion date. We won't, therefore, be able to start work on the new premises until the end of January/beginning of February. The building work is likely to take between 6 and 8 weeks so we can expect to move in sometime in late March. 
WCPF DPIC Competition 2015
The 2015 WCPF interclub Digital Projected Image Competition (DPIC) is being held at Exeter Corn Exchange on February 8th next year. This is an annual competition between the photo clubs in the WCPF region where Bristol has done well in the past. Once again Pete McCloskey is looking for images to make up our entry; he needs them by the close of play on 17 December, as the closing date is the 3rd. If you think that you have any images that you think could be suitable, please send them to Pete at pmccloskey11@btinternet.com. If you have any queries, I'm sure that Pete will be only too pleased to answer them at any Wednesday meeting or via email. Further details and information on booking tickets, please click here.
WCPF Knightshayes Trophy 2015
Entries are invited from members of WCPF clubs for this annual print competition for the superb Knightshayes Trophy, which is held by the winner for a year; the subject for 2015 is “FEAR”. Each entrant may submit a maximum of two prints which must have been taken within the last two years. THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE. The usual WCPF rules apply, prints must be on 50 x 40 cm mounts. This time the judge will be Peter Fry ARPS, DPAGB, BPE3*.
Entries to be handed in at the WCPF Digital Image Competition (DPIC) which is to be held on 8th February at the Exeter Corn Exchange - there are usually BPS members who go to DPIC who will be willing to take your prints down. Full details and the entry form can be found here.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year - City Museum
A chance to see the rich array of wildlife on our planet in this world-renowned photography exhibition from the Natural History Museum.

Celebrating its 50th year in 2014, Wildlife Photographer of the Year provides a global showcase of extraordinary images celebrating the drama, beauty and splendour of the natural world with astonishing, creative and sometimes humorous wildlife photography. For further details, please follow this link.
PAGB e-News
Download the latest edition of the PAGB e-news by clicking here.
AV Competition
We have received the following from the IAC

Hello to members of Bristol Photographic Society

As you will be aware, *SoCo runs an Annual Film Competition.

We feel it would be nice to have more involvement with the Photographic Clubs in the SoCo Region and are thinking of introducing an AV section in our Annual Competition provided entries are submitted on DVD.

This year we introduced a Category for non IAC members providing they were Members of an IAC Affiliated Club and this worked very well indeed with about 50% of the entries falling into this category. If we introduced an A/V Section these rules could also apply.

I would like to point out the A/V and the Films would not compete against each other, each would have their own awards.

I would be very interested to know your views on the subject and if your members would be interested in participating.

Thanking You

Anne Vincent
Chairman SoCo and Competition Organiser


* SoCo is the Southern Counties region of the IAC, this is The Film and Video Institute. Please contact them directly if you are interested in participating.
Bristol Salon 2015
As mentioned last week, the closing date for free entry to the 2015 Bristol Salon is fast approaching - 17 January. Putting together your entry could be the perfect antidote to the rigours and stresses of Christmas shopping and getting ready for the 25th. So take this opportunity to enter one of the leading international exhibitions for FREE, just go to the Salon entry page on the BPS website where you will be able to find the Conditions of Entry and the on-line entry system. If you haven't entered internationals before, this is your chance to dip your toe in the murky waters of the exhibition world, and it won't cost you a penny!
When you get to the page where you enter your own details, make sure that you select YES when asked if you are a BPS member and enter your BPS membership number (see head of this newsletter) where prompted for Membership Reference. This will mean that when you get to the payment page at the end you can just click ALREADY PAID. Ignore any references to fees due in the confirmation email you will receive.
If you have any problems, please feel free to either collar me at any Wednesday meeting or email me at chairman@bristolsalon.co.uk
Christmas Break
Next week's newsletter will be the last until the New Year, so if there's anything you need publicising before 2015, please let me know by Wednesday of next week.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
BPS members did well at Smethwick this year with 11 acceptances between Keith Wood (3), Sue O'Connell (5) and Derwood Pamphilon (3). Sue also managed acceptances in Wrekin (6), Chung Ai, Canada (2 including 1 HM) and Semberija, Serbia (6 including 2 awards). As Young Mr Grace would have said - "You've all done very well".
View of Mount Semeru, Java - Sue O'Connell
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
19/12 - I have received the following list of paper that Rebecca Fong would like to sell:
4 x boxes of A3+ sized Epson photo paper, 20 sheets a box - £5 a box
5 x A4 Epson semi-gloss, 20 sheets a box – £5 a box
The boxes themselves are not new but they are unopened. Please note that A3+ is bigger than A3  (329mm x 483mm) and allows for a border around your print but may not fit into all printers.
If anyone would like any of this paper, please could they please email Rebecca directly at reccabong@hotmail.com and she will bring it to the club as and when required.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk