Site Reps and 
Allotment Associations
Dear Site Reps and Allotment Associations
Some Site Reps and Associations have been in touch and are worried about the lack of plot lettings since Covid hit and how many plots have fallen into states which will make them difficult to let going forward. We also have the longest waiting list for at least 10 years (2467) with over 1000 signing up in the last 12 months, many of whom paid £17 to join the list. On top of this It looks like letting procedures are about to change.
We recently had a meeting with Council Officers who explained that the Council would no longer be sharing the email addresses of plot holders or those on the waiting list with BHAF or Site Reps due to GDPR reasons. So Site Reps will no longer be sent their waiting list with contact emails of the people on it.
Have you been consulted about the new letting procedures by the Council and do you know what the new letting procedures are?

Have the 'remote' lettings happened on your site and have there been any problems with that?

BHAF have started having our Committee meetings via Zoom. We think there is a need for a Site Reps meeting and we are wondering how many of you would join a Site Rep and Associations meeting on zoom if we set one up.

Please email us and let us know if this would interest you. If enough people are interested we will arrange one.

Best Regards,
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