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And here is a story from home, so you can see what kinds of challenges I have every day with sheltering cats.
My 14-year-old cat, Peaches, became paralyzed overnight a few weeks ago, and we may never find out why.
For one thing, I can't afford an MRI, at several thousand bucks cost. X-rays were costly enough to strain my budget this month. But the theories my vet and I have considered are stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal that houses the spinal cord), a fall while wrestling with another cat causing him to land in a difficult position that bent his spine, or that his extensive arthritic degeneration finally reached a point that it shut off nerve supply to the back legs. As for the arthritis, we have no idea why his is so advanced.
In the meantime, caring for him has been quite the challenge. But he's still healthy and in good spirits, so I will not give up on him. It just adds a couple more hours to my already stretched day. He has to wear a diaper and be cleaned up, just like a human baby. He wants to move around, so I'm building a little "wheel cart" to give him some mobility, since I don't have the time to hold up his back end so he can run around, which is what we do every morning so he gets some exercise to stay strong.
If you know anyone who has a cat wheel cart to sell (affordably), let me know.

He's still in good spirits and is healthy; we just have to help him get around now.
Welcome to another issue of the Kitty Times.
Several years ago I asked everyone what they wanted to read about, and that has been my guide to choosing articles. However, new subscribers have joined and some have left, so the group has changed a bit. I think I need to find out again what everyone likes. I may try a mix of outside articles and internal stories about my animals and rescue work. And as always, your comments and suggestions are welcome.
I will be sending out a short survey to get your opinions and suggestions, so watch for an email that says Survey in the subject.
So today things will be a mix of old and new. Some articles, some news, and a story or two about the cats here at home.
Here are some pet holidays for November:
National Cat Week - First week in November
Adopt a Senior Pet Month. By ASPCA.
National Senior Pet Month.
National Pet Awareness Month.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Sponsored by Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) and the Animal Cancer Foundation.
Pet Diabetes Month.
Nov. 6-12, 2016: National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week, by The Humane Society of the United States. First full week of November.
Nov. 17: National Black Cat Day.
Humane Society Anniversary Day - November 22
The last Friday of the month is Fur-Free Friday (although every day should be fur-free!) |
If you have a new cat or kittens, you may have some questions about how to care for them. Feel free to submit questions and I'll be sure to include them here. If you're having an emergency, however, please contact someone near you, such as your vet, in case you need to take the animal in to the office. |
Holiday Gift Ideas
It's not too soon to start thinking about the holidays and what you plan to gift to your friends and loved ones.
Here a couple of ideas for anyone on your list who loves cats:
This series of books, called Klepto Cat Mysteries, by Patricia Fry, is a collection of novellas about a cat named Rags who has a special talent for running off with things that later turn out to be the crucial clue that solves a mystery or a crime.
Black Cats Tell All is a nonprofit book and initiative to raise black cat awareness and adoption rates.This book is a compendium of short stories about black cats who beat the odds and found loving homes, thanks to people who did not give up on them.
I contributed a story to this book myself, about my black cat, Toledo. He's a good example of the problem, known as "black cat syndrome," which afflicts black dogs, too, by the way, and results in more black animals being euthanized than any others.
This book is still in production, but the publishing team is working hard to get it ready in time for the holidays. If that doesn't work, then soon after.
Kitty Care Tips
Animal chiropractor offers treatment for aging, injured pets
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