The Highly Sensitive Person
Summer Workshops in Chapel Hill

Aug.8, Aug. 22, Sept. 5
6:15 - 7:45 pm

Hello everyone:
This week on August 8, we will have our second round of "Creative Play"! A large and small sand tray will be available, along with all the miniatures, as well as various art supplies. Also, feel free to bring any personal art supplies you would like to work with, musical instruments, etc. This is your time and space to play!

Topics we will be covering this summer:
Aug. 8: More creative play!
Aug. 22: using meditation, journaling, and breathing techniques
Sept. 5: HSPs and romantic and other relationships

This is an economical way to support yourself therapeutically!
Fee is only $30 for each 1 1/2 hour session
Attendance is flexible - attend one session, or two, or all!

contact HarDarshan at 919-257-7814 or