Media Release
Thursday February 10th 2022
“This Bill may have gone away for now, but the push by a minority of religious leaders to wind-back our hard-fought rights will not." - Rodney Croome
Just Equal Australia has applauded the decision of the Federal Government to withdraw the fatally-flawed Religious Discrimination Bill.
Spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,
“The people who made this happen were the many community advocates who spoke out about the denogration and dsicrimination they would face if the Bill passed."
"Real people, real stories and real passion made this possible,” Mr Croome said.
"We also thank those brave members of parliament who stood against their Bill, and in some case against their own party, in the name of fairness and inclusion."
Just Equal said, while it is unlikely the Bill could return in late May, it will remain prepared to campaign against the Bill if necessary.
Mr Croome added, “This whole exercise has shown that both major parties lack clear, comprehensive policy in the area of LGBTQ+ rights."
“It is ridiculous in this day and age that both Labor and the Liberals have to have marathon crisis meetings to discuss LGBTIQ+ discrimination."
“We call on both parties to develop and implement clear LGBTIQ+ policy positions. To help this process we call on the next government to have Minister for Equality and to appoint an LGBTIQ+ Equality Commissioner to the Human Rights Commission."
“This Bill may have gone away for now, but the push by a minority of religious leaders to wind-back our hard-fought rights will not."
"We need national leaders that will defend and protect the LGBTIQ+ community, not allow our rights to be taken away under the guise of "religious freedom".
For a copy of this statement on the web, click here
For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.