Winner of the 2018 Perugia Press Prize
by Megan Peak
Megan Peak’s debut collection Girldom chronicles coming of age as a woman: the violence of discovery, the evolution of sexuality, and the demanding yet necessary acts of self-preservation and resistance. Amid landscapes of wasps and nettle, cold moons and icy rivers, daughters navigate trauma and desire, sisters bear witness to each other’s trajectories, and girls experience worlds of both rage and tenderness. There is an impounded beauty in Girldom, the beauty of a healing wound. Compressed yet explosive, these poems shake like fists and vibrate with the seeking of voice. "I was a girl before I was anything else," the poet writes. In the midst of the #MeToo movement, Peak’s book is timely and timeless in its confrontation of the constraints and concerns bound up in being a girl.
Megan Peak received her MFA in Poetry from The Ohio State University, where she was Poetry Editor at The Journal. She lives in Fort Worth, TX with her partner and son. Girldom is her first book.

Girldom will be released in September 2018.
Pre-order advanced copies at AWP, on sale at Perugia's table: #413!
To order this book, or any Perugia Press title, please visit our website.


Annie Kim, Uses for Music
Kimberly O'Connor, What the Blood Does


Michelle Blake, Lives of Lesser Saints
Ronda Broatch, Small Dark Place of Forgetting
Kay Cosgrove, Wake Up You Dead
Julie Danho, Gallery
Michelle Bonczek Evory, The Ghosts of Lost Animals
Kathryn Hunt, You Won’t Find It on a Map
Rosa Lane, Cesario’s Testmonia
Charlotte Muzzi, Late Cicada
Mary Peelen, Quantum Heresies
Charlotte Pence, Code
Michelle Brittan Rosado, Why Can't It Be Tenderness
Chelsea Wagenaar, The Spinning Place
Emily Wilson, Jalubí

Thanks to each woman who submitted her manuscript/s 
& to the volunteers who helped read for & judge the contest!

 Perugia Press Prize: A prize of $1000 and publication by Perugia Press
  is given annually for a first or second unpublished poetry collection
by a woman. The next deadline is November 15, 2018.

Perugia Press at AWP!  

Tampa, Florida * March 8-10

We'll be at the annual AWP Conference & Bookfair in Tampa!
Visit Editor/Director Rebecca Olander at table #413. We're hosting author visits, and all of our books will be on sale. Hope to see you there!  

Visit with a few of our authors: 

Diane Gilliam: March 8, 1:00-2:30
Linda Tomol Pennisi: March 9, 1:00-2:30
Lynne Thompson: March 10, 1:00-2:30

Pre-order Girldom, our latest prize-winner, at our table,
and we'll ship it to you for free when it is released!

Visit Perugia Press at the Literary Marketplace 
at the
BookFest in Easthampton, MA on Saturday April 14!

Stop by our table at the Massachusetts Poetry Festival
Small Press & Literary Fair in Salem, MA on Saturday May 5!

Check out our events page to see upcoming readings & events
at which our Perugia Press poets are presenting this spring!
Perugia Press
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062