Holidays for September
Month: Animal Pain Awareness Month Happy Cat Month Pet Smile Month (UK) 2021 Weeks: Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week - Last Full Week in September) 2021 Days: 1 - Ginger Cat Appreciation Day 12 - National Pet Memorial Day 19 - Meow Like a Pirate Day 28 - World Rabies Day
Keep up to date on recalls, latest developments (and
findings) with pet food:
About the Newsletter
Published on first of the month. Submissions and suggestions are welcome.
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Natural Pet Care
For a comprehensive care regimen for your pets, this website contains information, educational courses (many are free), and product advice to help you treat your pet naturally.
Begins this week.
Did You Know?
Illinois is the 5th state to ban sales of animals at pet stores
Cat not eating?
“Just watching my cats can make me happy.” Paula Cole
“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.” Jean Cocteau
“I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things, to me, are expressions of love.” James Herriot
On an even lighter note...
“People who don’t like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.” Unknown
“The problem with cats is that they get the same exact look whether they see a moth or an axe-murderer.”
Paula Poundstone
“I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It’s not. Mine had me trained in two days.”
Bill Dana
“Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience.” Pam Brown
Thanks to Paul DeCeglie for submitting articles used in this month's newsletter.
How to Make a Unique and Fun Scratching Post for Your Cat
Is your adult cat tired of their scratching post? Do they no longer show it the same scratching attention it once got? Maybe they need a new and fresh scratching surface. Cardboard and rope are some of the best mediums for your cat to scratch their claws to their heart’s content!
Our resident PrettyLitter scratchpad expert brainstormed some delightfully fresh, scratch-tastic ideas for your furry feline friends. So, continue reading to learn how to make a scratching post for your cat.
One of the saddest stories:
Things we can do to help animals: sign petitions, write to your legislators and local officials, check local shelters to learn their needs and how you can help.
Dealing With Disaster
Whether it's a war, a pandemic, fire, floods, or the latest hurricane, innocent animals often suffer the most because they can't make choices that would get them to safety. As caregivers, advocates and simply folks who care, it's up to us humans to help them.
The following sites have been selected to provide an overview of current situations, and to share information on how you can help. That help will primarily be in the form of financial donations though some places are open to physical donations, like blankets, food and other items delivered by you. Look for links on their sites for contact information and ask what they need.
Hurricane Ida forces dogs and cats to be airlifted from Louisiana to shelters across US
Humane Society of the United States
"Last week we were on the ground in Tennessee caring for animals after catastrophic flash flooding and now we are stationed just outside the path of Hurricane Ida, preparing to deploy to help animals in need after the devastating storm. This important work is just one part of our expansive fight for all animals—and we need your help!"
Thanks to The Irving & Phyllis Millstein Foundation for Animal Welfare all gifts will be matched up to $50,000. Every dollar makes a huge difference for animals in need. By stepping up today, you'll help create a future where animals no longer have to suffer in puppy mills, factory farms, testing labs or other heartbreaking situations. Are you ready to be a hero for animals?
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Hurricane Ida made landfall in Port Fourchon, Louisiana on Sunday, August 29th, unleashing devastating high winds, life-threatening storm surges and massive flooding.
People and animals in Louisiana urgently need help. IFAW's disaster team mobilized within hours of the official request by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry and are on the ground ready to assist with water rescue, animal search and rescue, and emergency sheltering.
Alley Cat Allies
Hurricane Ida Disaster Response
Category 4 Hurricane Ida hit the Gulf Coast with winds more powerful than Hurricane Katrina—leaving devastation in its path. You can be part of our relief effort to help cats affected by the storm.
Our Rapid Response Team is on the ground in the Gulf Coast as you read this, working to save the lives of cats and kittens at this critical time. At least seven parishes are underwater, so we’ve reached out to our connections in these areas to provide the urgent support animals need. We are flying out an urgent delivery of emergency relief supplies today.
"Please pitch in what you can today, when so many cats are in need. Thank you for your urgent and generous support."
Our thoughts are with our animal welfare colleagues in Louisiana and Mississippi as they deal with the devastating impact of Hurricane Ida.
With many weeks of hurricane season ahead of us, we wanted to provide you with How Animal Shelters and Clinics Can Prepare for Hurricanes. This helpful resource includes a downloadable Pet Disaster Preparedness Plan you can share with your community to help keep pets safe.
And since all communities are vulnerable to some type of disaster, and foster families can be even more critical to your lifesaving efforts during trying times, we’re also sending tips for finding foster families during emergencies like pandemics and natural disasters.
Please let us know how we can support you with informational resources for your shelter or community as we navigate another disaster season together.
More resource information can be found here:
COVID and Cats
More than 300 cats abandoned months ago in two Bangkok houses were rescued after neighbors alerted animal activists.
The cats were thought to have been strays adopted by an elderly woman who, in the throes of Thailand's Covid pandemic, could no longer afford to feed and care for them. A neighbor sometimes fed the cats who were found caged in dirty surroundings; several cats were found dead.
After being examined by vets, the rescued cats were sent to an animal shelter in the northern city of Chiang Mai. The shelter, which also looks after elephants, is already caring for nearly 1,000 cats also abandoned during the pandemic.
A veterinarian who checked the cats was confident they would recover. "They were stressed because they were in an enclosure for a long time. But after last night they started to snuggle in the cage when people approached," he said.
Animal De-wormer for COVID?
So is this FACT or FICTION? From Dr. Andrew Jones,
A news story in Canada says this..
'Alberta feed stores inundated with calls for ivermectin over false claims livestock dewormer treats COVID'
But WebMD published this story a little over a year ago..
Veterinary Drug shows promise against COVID-19
An inexpensive drug used to treat parasitic infections killed the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 in less than 48 hours in a laboratory setting, Australian researchers say.
The drug, ivermectin, has been widely used for decades. It was introduced as a veterinary drug in the 1970s. Doctors also prescribe it to treat head lice, scabies, and other infections caused by parasites. According to a report published online in the journal, Antiviral Research, the drug quickly prevented replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The study has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, although it is not yet a "definitive" version of record.
Researchers infected cells with SARS-CoV-2, then exposed them to ivermectin. "We showed that a single dose of ivermectin could kill COVID-19 in a petri dish within 48 hours, indicating potent antiviral activity," says study co-author David Jans, PhD, a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Monash University in Melbourne.
But experts say more testing is needed to know if it works well in people and if it’s safe to use.
The Canadian story on IVOMEC for COVID says this..
'Touted as possible cure'
The largest study in favour of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment was retracted after concerns about data fabrication, plagiarism and ethical breaches.
No clinical studies have proven whether ivermectin can slow or stop the novel coronavirus from growing in human cells — but that hasn't stopped right-wing media personalities and politicians from touting it as a possible treatment or cure for COVID-19.
But then look at this recently published review article..
Conclusions: Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
So WHO do you believe? It is CONFUSING...
Here is how I make sense of it...
1. Be as informed as possible- and read from multiple sources.. 2. Take it all with a healthy dose of skepticism 3. COVID is a serious pandemic, in my opinion best prevented with vaccines, but there are likely many options to treat it.. and Ivermectin may be one.. 4. People take shortcuts, not putting in the time to make their own informed decision..hence the blanket 'Ivomec does NOT work' statement from the 'trusted' CBC news here in Canada.. 5. Question what I am saying as your dog/cat.