T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S

2018 Perugia Press Prize
for a First or Second Book by a Woman

Prize: $1000 and publication
Submit manuscripts between August 1 and November 15, 2017


N E W   R E L E A S E N O W   A V A I L A B L E

  by L. I. Henley

Winner of the 2017 Perugia Press Prize
for a first or second book of poetry by a woman

SET IN THE ISOLATED, SHIFTING Mojave Desert terrain of Joshua Tree, California, L. I. Henley’s book Starshine Road invites us to witness the underside of a rural life near the world’s largest Marine Corps base juxtaposed with hundreds of miles of national park. Traversing a land that could not be more real, but which often feels like dreamscape, these poems explore the dangers and treasures of one’s birthplace: a dog and his homeless master, an infamous Amboy creosote, a junk pile, flawed cops, grieving mothers, and their wild, muscled, unpredictable boys. Molly Bendall says, “Staring down unsettling aspects of her youth, L. I. Henley combs through shards of her rough terrain, while mapping her own desert gothic in this brilliant new collection of poems. 

Starshine Road is already earning praise:
Read Greg Gilbert's review of L. I. Henley's collection
online at Badlands on their "Work We Admire" page,
along with a poem from the book, "A Dollar (for a funeral)."
Perugia Press is proud to help make writing groups available to trauma survivors. Claim great perks,
like these Perugia titles, by supporting the
Please consider joining Perugia Press in helping to empower trauma survivors to tell their stories and move towards recovery! Donations fund poetry workshops at the Cambridge Women's Center for trauma survivors, with a special focus on sex-trafficking survivors. Poet/teacher Jennifer Jean is organizing the project, and there are lots of great perks for donors at all levels, including some books from Perugia authors L. I. Henley, Catherine Anderson, and Melody S. Gee, and our 20th anniversary chapbook, Brilliance, Spilling!
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062