tel: 512 280-1192                                            Friday, Feb 14 2014
Nursery Notes: fruit trees have arrived. Apples, pears, peaches 
and pomegranates all in stock: $34.99. Also, if you're in need of
a Valentine's Day gift, we have lots of beautiful flowering plants
to choose from. Now is the perfect time to stop weeds from taking
over your spring lawn. The best choice is organic corn gluten -
and we have two types: a new liquid corn gluten, applied with a
hose: 32 fluid ounces, covers 1,000 square feet: $19.99. Also in
stock the spreadable kind: $45.99 - covers 2,000 square feet.
Coming next Sunday: Tomatoes - everything you need to know
to have a productive tomato patch.  2 p.m. Kevin Callaway, who
grows tomatoes commercially in Hondo, will cover all aspects, and
turn you into an expert.  He will also be at the nursery on Sat. Feb
22, to answer questions. (There  are rumors that he may share some
seeds of a drought tolerant tomato with currant-size fruit that he
collected in Ecuador.)    
Happy Valentine's Day  If you're in need of a veggie Valentine's
Day feast for your beloved this evening, Vegetarian Times suggests
roasted vegetable linguine with fresh basil:vegetarian times
Special guest Amanda Moon on this week's Central Texas Gar-
dener. Our very own master gardener Amanda shares with viewers
how to be successful with 'tricky plants' such as Japanese maples.
Also, on tour, an Italian-style rose garden in the central part of the
city. Sat. noon, 4 p.m. or Sun., 9 a.m. www.klru
Queen Victoria agaves are a favorite
Guide to Curb-side Gardening
by Chris Winslow

Recently I received an Ask Chris email from a gardener wanting to
know what to do with the strip of ground between curb and side-
walk in the front of his house.

Traditionally this area is covered with turf grass. However with its
location next to the concrete curb, pavement and sidewalk, it is a
harsh environment for just about anything to grow in. It’s just about
the hottest and driest part of the landscape.

With water restrictions and new irrigation laws in effect (such as
no overspray on hardscapes), grass stands little chance of survival.

My plan would be to remove the grass. Next add some compost to
the native soil, and, once the weather warms up, plant low-growing,
water-wise native and, adaptive species. As usual it’s a good idea
to consult a copy of the Native and Adapted Landscape Plants for a
myriad of suggestions. (We have copies that are free at the nursery.)

Always keep in mind the mature sizes of plants. Since this new bed
is bordered by street and sidewalk, large, overhanging plants would
create traffic problems on both sides. Only choose thorny plants if
they’re dwarf and are kept in the center.

This area can be planted sparsely and retain an appealing look. Pick
plants with an interesting architecture. Their looks can be enhanced
by mulching with decomposed granite or colorful gravels.

Another idea is to define planting areas by adding a faux riverbed
of colored river stone. This can snake and serpentine its way bet-
ween curb and sidewalk with pocket planting throughout.

My favorite small plants with great architectural form are Queen
Victoria agave, artichoke agave, and red yucca. These three can
form the evergreen backbone of the planting, with additional low-
growing flowers placed between and around them…  such as black-
foot daisy, four nerve daisy, pink skullcap, purple coneflower, weep-
ing lantana, homestead verbena, cedar sage, green and grey
santolena, and bulbine.

There are also some lovely culinary herbs would also perform well
in this area: creeping rosemary, sage, Greek oregano, chives, thyme,
and Mexican mint marigold.

Please come by my nursery for a visit. We have a display garden
showing how these plants mature and how the riverbed defines plant-
ing areas. Happy gardening everyone!
  Visit the website:
 Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, 78748  Like us