Following up the success of the release on The Fine Arts Showcase latest album – Dolophine Smile – Gustaf Kjellvander and his crew hit’s the German roads. Make sure to be there!

2010-01-28: FZW - DORTMUND (D)     
2010-01-29: PRETTY VACANT - DÜSSELDORF (D)     
2010-01-30: GLEISS 22 - MÜNSTER (D)     
2010-02-04: MOLOTOV - HAMBURG (D)     
2010-02-05: BEATPOL - DRESDEN (D)     
2010-02-06: BANG BANG CLUB - BERLIN (D)

Download and listen to latest single – London, My Town – HERE:

More info:


London, My Town:
The Teenage Order:

Magnus Bjerkert
Adrian Recordings
+46 (0)709–20 38 53
The list of influences could be made long but that would be missing the point entirely. Yes, you can hear the heritage from bands such as The Velvet Underground, The Byrds, Dinosaur Jr, and Orange Juice running through the songs but most of all The Fine Arts Showcase sound like, well, The Fine Arts Showcase. The Songs speak for themselves - stunning, romantic and beautiful. The Fine Arts Showcase always succeed in the hard task of sounding familiar and at the same time fresh, new and exciting.
10/10 - "The narration he gives us is honest, and more importantly, so balanced and self-aware of his vices and the role his actions played in his downfall -- what he conveys on "Dolophine smile" is something few modern albums contain: compassion."

"amazing, touching and highly entertaining"

"Dolphine Smile is with its simplicity one of the most refreshing and successful pure Indie-Rock-album those days"
Rote Raupe

"If the Pop is well dosed it tastes like vanilla pudding"

"Either with opened or closed eyes the 10 songs seduce to dream, although being performed in bittersweet darkness... a modern and probably timeless liaison"
Indie Suite

7/10 - "Dolphine Smile´ is the perfect soundtrack for the starting autumn mood. Often dark, sometimes rainy but sporadically last sunshine flashes up behind the deep hanging clouds."
CD Starts

"sad, bittersweet and heart-rending"
Uncle Sallys Magazine

"That album´s dark bittersweet mixture may sometimes strain but perfectly fits to the autumn weather."
Campus Web

"When a woman falls in love with a man it´s still her own fault. And if you are separated at the end you can listen to Dolphin Smile. At least it will give a bit of relief"
Sonic Seducer Magazine

7/10 - "When the album finishes off with `You Knew I Was Trouble From The Start´ it requires a repetition of that album to turn out to be more than a profit"
Alternative Nation

"Erstaunlich, ergreifend und höchst unterhaltsam"

"Dolophine Smile ist in seiner einfachen Art eines der erfrischendsten und gelungensten reinen Indie-Rock-Alben der letzten Zeit."
Rote Raupe

"Wenn der Pop richtig dosiert ist, schmeckt er besser als Vanille-Pudding"

"Ob mit offenen oder geschlossenen Augen, die zehn Songs verführen zum Träumen, obwohl sie in zartbitterem Dunkel vorgetragen werden... eine moderne und - time will tell - wahrscheinlich zeitlose Angelegenheit"
Indie Suite

"Dolophine Smile´ ist die perfekte Musik für eine einkehrende Herbststimmung. Meist düster, zuweilen regnerisch, aber sporadisch blitzen dann sogar ein paar letzte Sonnenstrahlen hinter den tief hängenden Wolken hervor."
CD Starts

"Wenn sich eine Frau in einen Mann verliebt, ist sie schließlich immer noch selbst schuld. Und hat man sich dann endlich getrennt, kann man immerhin blended "Dolphin Smile" hören. Es wird einem zumindest ein wenig Erleichterung verschaffen."
Sonic Seducer Magazine

"Wenn dann auch noch `You Knew I Was Trouble From The Start´ mit dem reizend singenden Theoretigal Girl aus dem Album entlässt, wird geschlossen nach einer Wiederholung des Albums verlangt, dass sich immer mehr zu einem Gewinn entpuppen muss"
Alternative Nation
The Fine Arts Showcase
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