Hi Cat Lover,

In this issue:

Yoda the cat...
Cat Fashion Show?
Cats research grant...
Pet food news...
7 Signs of a healthy diet...
Web sites to visit...


A cat with extra toes is somewhat common, with some
having 6 or even 7 toes. They are called Polydactyls, a
"medical" term meaning many digits. Then, a while back, I
reported on a cat with extra limbs that made it look like
it had wings. But have you ever seen a cat with extra ears?
That is extremely rare, but it happens.
Meet Yoda, the cat with four ears, here:



Now here's a great idea for a fundraiser:

On Aug.7, a cat fashion show was held at New York's
Algonquin Hotel, a famous site for celebrities through
the years, including 1930s actor John Barrymore.
It was Barrymore who "adopted" a stray cat he found there,
and named him Hamlet.

A tradition was born, and the hotel has never been without
a resident mascot. For the last 13 years it's been Matilda,
ninth in a procession of hotel cats since Hamlet.

The show's purpose was to raise funds for the North Shore
Animal League. A local cat group, the Westchester Feline
Club, supplied the show-quality cats who wore fashions
designed by Meow Wear, a New Jersey pet fashion company.
Matilda, of course, was the star of the event and was given
a plush pillow to rest on as she watched the show with the
other guests.

Money was raised by selling cocktails at $20 apiece, with
names such as "Purr-tinis" and Pink Pussycats.


It's about time. Cats are finally the subject of some recent
research funding and the formation of several councils on
feline nutrition and other health studies.

Here's a story on the $1million grant from Hill's Pet Nutrition
to the Morris animal Foundation in Denver, Colorado:


Last issue I reported on some pet foods that are either low in
carbohydrates (grains, as a rule) or completely free of them.
Thanks to some sharp readers, here are a couple more:

Champion Pet Foods produces a carb-free cat food, called
Thanks, Jean!

Wellness Pet Food manufactures the Old Mother Hubbard line
of foods, found by Ruth, in Canada. The first ingredient on
the bag is deboned turkey! She said her Siamese cat prefers
it over Science Diet:
Thanks, Ruth!


Here are 7 signs that your cat is eating a healthy diet:

1. Coat is shiny. If the fur is dull, mats easily or there
is dandruff, your cat may not be getting enough quality protein.
2. Teeth and gums are pink and clean. Watch for redness or
bleeding, or even unusual growths in the mouth.
3. Litter box solids are, well... solid, not watery. Diarrhea
can be a sign of illness and warrants a trip to the vet if it
doesn't clear up quickly. Give the cat more water, as diarrhea
will lead to dehydration. Mix it with their food if they won't
drink it.
4. Normal weight. If your cat is obese, check with your vet
to be sure you are providing the correct diet. Table scraps
don't have the right nutritional balance, so be sure to feed
a quality food. If your cat is too thin, you may need to be
sure there are no health issues.
5. Good general health. If the diet is well balanced, your
cat will develop a good immune system and will be able to
fight off most illnesses.
6. Strong bones. If you're into making homemade foods for
your cat, be sure to include a quality bone meal so there is
enough calcium for healthy bones.
7. Strong heart. Heart problems can be related to a deficiency
in nutrients, such as taurine, one of the amino acids essential
for cats. This happens most often if a cat is eating too many
table scraps. Be sure to keep the percentage below 10% of their
diet if they especially like what you are having and you can't
resist when they ask for it. ;-)

[Source: PetFoodIndustry.com, Aug. 13, 2008]

WEB SITES to explore

Keeping your cat safe... consider a microchip.


Several people have written to me about the indoor/outdoor
situation for their cats. It's become almost a certainty that
indoor cats live longer and healthier lives, as outdoor cats
are vulnerable to various hazards. However, some cats are
extremely opinionated on the subject, with some demanding
to remain indoors (I have several that refuse to even look
outside, let alone go out), and others are dedicated to
repeated escapes.

A few years ago, I had an enclosure built in the yard behind
my cat shelter so those cats who required some outdoor time
could spend time outside in a safe environment. It worked
really well. (We have since moved to an old farm and the
situation is entirely different now, as we have many "out
buildings" that I have adapted to cat environments, which
allows them to form their own social groups.)

A lot depends on the cat, your lifestyle, your relationship
with your kitty, and what you are able to manage for them.
With that in mind, here is a very interesting web site I just
found that may help some people with the agony of figuring
out how to please their demanding kitties.



Thanks to Melanie for this very funny video:

You can see it on my web site here (scroll to the bottom
of the page):


You will immediately see that the guy who made it
sure knows his cats! I could hardly stop laughing!


Here's one about a cat who adopted an orphaned bunny:


Do you have any interesting stories to share about your
cats? Send them in and I'll put them here in
this newsletter. (Include your name and website
if you have one, and I'll give you a "plug" for
your website. Or, anonymous is OK, too. It's
up to you.)


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