Louisiana isn't the only area hit by floods recently. Visit thedo.do/2cdbxtWJust remember that following a flood, the aftermath can last for years as people put their lives back together. And this includes pets who either got lost or swept away, and others who are surrendered to shelters because their owners do not have a home in which to keep them anymore. Those shelters will need extra support as they try to care for and find homes for the extra animals they have.
September is National Disaster Preparedness Month
Led by FEMA’s Ready Campaign, Citizen Corps and The Advertising Council, this effort encourages individuals, families, businesses and communities to work together and take action to prepare for emergencies. Visit Ready.gov and CitizenCorps.gov.
Visit these Links from publichealthcorps.org:
Every year, hundreds of people lose their homes from devastating wildfires in Southern California and other locations.
Everything You Need to Know About Pet Fire Safety
Italian Earthquake
To help victims of the Aug. 24 earthquake in Italy, eat Italian food! Seriously, many Italian restaurants are offering specials and donating proceeds to the victims in their homeland. But if you're not in Italy, check this site for other ideas to help:
Black Cats Tell All
As you may remember, Aug. 17 was Black Cat Appreciation Day. In honor of black cats everywhere, my friend Layla has compiled a book about them to raise black cat awareness and adoption rates. You can read about it below, and you might even want to buy a book!

"We're thrilled Black Cats Tell All, the first illustrated anthology of positive black cat stories to debunk superstitions, has garnered worldwide support. Join the Black Cats Tell All Tribe. Together we can rebrand black cats as adoptable. "Share and discuss all things black cat. There will be beautiful black cat art, photography, vintage illustrations, contests, prizes, member features and news about our Black Cats Tell All book & more. NOTE: members can post photos of their own cats. No death row/violence/cruelty posts please." Visit CatWisdom101.orgfacebook.com/hashtag/blackcatstellall/Peace, love and purrs, Layla |