ASHGPS: 6 July 2011: MM10's & Descriptions of Updates
MobileMapper 10 Delivery Notes
Production MobileMapper 10 recievers have been delivered! (About 40 days late, but who is counting?...) No extra accessories (batteries/magnetic antennas) were included in the first shipment. But we do have a big pile of receivers.
I believe that we have two unsold receivers available, if you want one and have not yet placed an order call me immediately. (Mark Silver, +1 801-412-0011 x16.)
We are busy checking boxes of them out (all well so far), however the addition of a cell phone, WiFi, micro-SD Card, chargers and other recent enhancements has made it a bit slower checkout than previous receivers. (We have even been putting ATT SIM cards in each receiver and checking out the internal cell phone; bonding to Bluetooth devices; connecting to WiFi.)
My initial reaction is that the MM10 is going to be extremely well received. The screen is great in direct and cloudy sunlight and it is big enough (I wear lined trifocal glasses) that I can read it with the middles and bottoms! (Kids, if you don't know what I am talking about, hang tight - you will figure it out soon enough.) The accuracy is at least as good as the MM6 and the rechargable battery has great life.
I plan to test a production unit for real-time and post-processed accuracy at my test site in Eastern Utah this weekend and will report what I find next week.
There was a lot of new firmware and software released last week. PDF Descriptions of these recent software updates have just been posted. I have highlighted the items that I think are major enhancements:
MobileMapper Office 2.0
1. Add ability to import several reference raw-data file at a time
2. Update Chinese Coordinate Systems
3. New algorithm to update shape files
4. Support 4D Shape File & Type M features
5. Import ATOM RNX 6. Post Processing tuning with MM10 raw-data
7. Update New Map dialog and review default folders management to ease Job transfer between PC & Unit
8. Update Setup to manage upgrade
9. Predefined.csl file will have to be updated for several datums to specify their exact link with ITRF (Which should improve SBAS Bias we observe in real-time)
MobileMapper Field V2.0
1. MobileMapper 10 device support
2. Altitude, HRMS, VRMS display on the main screen
3. Repeat feature attributes
4. Mandatory attributes
5. Job templates
6. Job name display on the main screen
7. Open Street Map support
8. “4D” Shape file support
9. SBAS mode indication
10. ESRI AXF format support
11. MobileMapper Field, and ArcPad post-processing extension do not stop NMEA
output on COM2 upon exit.
12. NMEA output up to 20 Hz
13. Raw data recording up to 20 Hz
14. ITRF coordinate transformations in SBAS mode
15. Turn direction indicator in MobileMapper Field Go To mode
GNSS Service Layer for MM100 / PM100 / PM200
• New option for Flying RTK. Activating the option the solution will never fix but good
dm accuracy will be reachable with very long base line and an optimized pricing of the
• New status for SBAS DGPS => SDGPS
• Display common satellites use between base and rover (visible impact in ProMark
• Job folder for GIS jobs to regroup all files related to the same job .map, .shp,and raw
data (visible impact on MobileMapper filed and MobileMapper Office
GNSS Toolbox V2.0
This AshGPS Mail List
If you have any Ashtech questions, don't hesitate to email them to me. I will do my best to get you an answer and if the question is of a general nature, I will add them to the [ Question List ]
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Good survey and mapping to you all!
Mark Silver,
Igage Mapping Corporation,, +1 801-412-0011 x16