"Watch out now, take care
Beware of greedy leaders
They take you where you should not go"

- George Harrison ("Beware Of Darkness")

SPECIAL HALLOWEEN RANGER REPORT - Saturday, October 31, 2020 - Full Blue Moon - The Official Newsletter of The Mighty Manatees aka Los Manatees "Celebrating Our 35 Year Manaversary TODAY!"

NOTE: Face masks and social distancing is strongly encouraged at all Mighty Manatees events.

MONSTER MANATEES MASH IN SELLERSVILLE! - It's true! Today (Saturday) we will be celebrating our Manaversary beneath a full blue moon outside of the Sellersville Moose Lodge. We will be sharing the bill with Mike Guldin & The Tumblers before ending the show with a mighty two-band jam! Costume contests! Prizes! Moose! Showtime is 4:00 - 8:00 PM. www.sellersvillemoose.com

END OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS PARTY! - Winter is coming, but we're going to squeeze the last drop of daylight savings out of it's last day! This Sunday afternoon (Nov. 1), our acoustic trio will be performing outside at the Bridgeport Rib House. Come on out and join Ras, Randy, and I as we play our last club date of 2020. Showtime is 5:00 - 8:00 PM. www.ribhouse.net Special thanks to Melissa.

EXCLUSIVE HALLOWEEN VIDEO OF THE MONTH! - Today's offering is for all you Fanatees who are staying home tonight on Halloween 2020. Today we are presenting one of our oldest clips in existence. It is a 2 1/2 hour cultural artifact from way back in 1987 called "Manatees Masquerade", It is VERY scary. It is scary how young we were! This is back when The Manatees was just Ray Adkins and myself, a synthesizer, a sequencer and two drum machines. Our electronic duo was exactly 24 months old when it pulled into the parking lot of the Westover Golf & Country Club on a dark and rainy night in Norristown, PA... So, turn off all your lights! Lock all your doors! And get ready for some scary old footage of some scary old freaks. Special thanks to Brad Stoll (Zendog) and Rich Stoler for posting this footage in the nick of time. https://youtu.be/wTYZKB-BiD0

Hippie Halloween,
Ranger Will



Daniel T. Luther
Adam Motto
Catherine M. Navitsky
Grace Nisbet
Billy Joe Shaver
Rick Shukster
Nobby Stiles
Jerry Jeff Walker