BPS Newsletter                                                                                                         11 September 2013
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 11 September
We have a visit from Tremaine Cornish EPSA EFIAP PSA3* from Oxton in Merseyside next Wednesday. He will be presenting his talk entitled "No Flies On Me" (or "Care in the Community for a Photographer.net"). This will be a look at two aspects of Tremaine's photography - insects and creativity.

Digital Imaging Group
Monday 9 September is the monthly get together of the DI Group, when all are welcome and are invited to bring along images, either printed or projected, for general showing off or for discussion among the group (please remember that projected images should be on a memory stick and be jpegs). This Monday, Neil McCoubrey is going to demonstrate his favourite technique of creating black and white pictures; this technique works both in Photoshop and Elements.

Kingswood Salver
The WCPF interclub print competition, the Kingswood Salver, is almost upon us again and Pete McCloskey is looking for images to make up our set of five related prints. What Pete woud like from members, to help him select the set, is a selection of images which he can whittle down to the final five. The images need to be on a theme and this year we have plumped for either landscape or seascape as our choice; so if you have suitable prints or projected images, that you could turn into prints, he would like you to take them along to this Monday's DI meeting. If you can't make Monday's meeting, please email them to Pete at pmccloskey11@btinternet.com, (images should be max 1400 x 1050 pixels).
BPS Website
The BPS shop window to the world is beginning to look a bit tired in the image department and Barry is looking for new images from members to help pep it up. If you have images that could either go in the Gallery section for which he'd need up to 12, or single images that he could scatter around the website, then please email them to Barry at barrymead@blueyonder.co.uk. Images should be a maximum of 600 pixels on the long side and be saved at 72 dpi.

Things To Do
Sodbury and Yate Photographic Club welcomes renowned Magnum photographer Martin Parr who be speaking at their Club on Monday 7th October. BPS members are invited to attend and the cost is just £8, which is excellent value for a speaker of Martin’s calibre.If you would like to attend, then they will need to know in advance, so any requests for tickets should be made to S&YPC Chairman, Paul Kessler LRPS CPAGB – chairman@sypc.org.uk.

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Sue O'Connell was over the moon recently to get 2 acceptances in te RPS International Images for Screen Exhibition (her first ever RPS exhibition success),  plus a Gold medal in the Indian Golden Digital Circuit - well done Sue!
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk