Saturday, May 3, 2014

Job 19:25ff For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another.


Let us always remember that Jesus Christ, even though He died, again lives, for thus we shall also at all times be comforted by the promises which He made us. Yes, if we remember that Jesus Christ again lives, then we can say He made us this and that promise and I know that He will indeed fulfill it -- for if He loved me so much that He even died for me, certainly He will now that He again lives, love me enough to fulfill His promises to me.

But did He really make many promises? He did! He, for instance, said, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me!" Or, again, he said, "Ask and it shall be given you, seek, and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." Yes, so He said, and by speaking in this way, He told us to pray -- and also that He would hear every prayer and answer every prayer that we bring to His attention. That, my friends, is one promise that we believe because He again lives and can be sure that He will do as He said He would.

Another one is this. He says, "All things must work together for good to those who love God." In other words, He says, "Dear followers of Mine, no matter what happens to you in your life, rest assured it is for your good and for your welfare, yes, I will see to it that no matter what happens, it shall be of benefit for you and to you."

Now if He did not live, we might say, "Yes, that's a fine sounding promise, but how do I know that it really shall come true that all things shall work out to my good?" And what shall we say? Well, again, remember that Jesus lives and will indeed carry out His promises.

And finally, just to call attention to a third promise, let me remind you that Jesus says, "Where I am there also My servant shall be." And what does this tell us? Well, this, that even though one die, he shall again live there in heaven, where Christ lives and dwells and has His being.

Job took comfort in the fact that He who would suffer and die for him lives, i.e., his Redeemer again lives. And why should this truth, that his Redeemer and Savior lives, be of such comfort to Job? Well, Job could tell himself, "I know that I, in spite of the fact that I have lost all here on earth, my health, my children, and all my wealth, I have One who can and will again restore unto me my body, yes, these very same eyes, and with these eyes I shall see God where there is life and happiness forever!"

Job knew that his Redeemer loved him so much as to give His life for Job, and now again lives, or, He's proven by living again that He is able to give to Job and all Christ-believers eternal life and salvation. Job knows, and you and I know, that Jesus our Redeemer lives to keep all of His promises because He kept His promise to rise from the dead.

-- Marcus Fleischer, April 19, 1942