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Happy March to you! I don't know about you, but I entered this month filled with so much anticipation and brimming with excitement! Why? Well i don't really know actually...but I'm sure 99.9% of it has to do with all this sunlight pouring through my windows! It's Spring and dead things are coming alive! I've been thoroughly enjoying the return of the sun, the absense of snow, and getting a sense for what the next few months will hold!
So much uncertainty, yet so much expectation all at the same time...it's like we're all hanging in the balance!  #seewhatididthere 
Ok...on to business!
My Sister Just Released a New Song!
I am so excited to share this brand new song and video from my sister, Peace! Most of you know her as my drummer but she is also a talented pianist, singer, and songwriter and she just released her new song "Out of the Dust". Seems like every artist created some response to the chaos of 2020. This one is my absolutely favorite! I loved watching from the sidelines as Peace brought this song to life with her animator. I am so proud. Please watch and share! [WATCH HERE]
Speaking of New Songs...
...I've got something new coming your way next month! Yeah, that's what I said! It's a collaboration between my dear friend JD Eicher and I. I'll share more next month, but for now, go ahead and presave it on Spotify, iTunes and it will magically show up in your account as soon as it's out!

New Podcast Episode
If you missed it, last month I shared that I am joining my dear friend Libby John this season as a contributor to her podcast Art & Faith Conversations. I'l be interviewing guest artists as well as sharing reflections that tie together my 3 favorite things to talk on - art, faith, and culture. You can check out my second installment that came out today - a lenten reflection on risk, freedom, and the art of letting go. LISTEN HERE
lt's pretty exciting to think that things are starting to come alive again...and not just the flowers!  I've got a bunch of things on the horizon, but wanted to share where I'll be in early Spring and how you can find me...starting this Sunday! 
Mar 21:  ARDMORE, PA - Suburban Square 
Mar 27: PHILLY, PA - Attic Brewing Co. Women's Festival 
Apr 15-18: ST. PETERSBURG, FL - Listening Room Festival (rescheduled from last year)
Apr 15: ST. PETERSBURG, FL  - Private House Concert
Apr 16: ST. PETERSBURG, FL  - Mahaffey Theater Outdoor Plaza
Apr 18: ST. PETERSBURG, FL - Private House Concert
All duo shows.
Details at www.joyike.com/tour

for artists...
It's hard to believe Cultivators is 1 year old! For those of you who have been following along on the jouney, I began working on Cultivators (pre-pandemic) because i realized I was already spending a significant amount of time already talking with young artists and helping them think through their process and online presence.  2020 serendipitously turned out to the be perfect year to flesh this out.  
The last year has held monthly group sessions, one-on-one artist consulting, and teaching the occasional workshop. Here are two things coming up specifically for artists.
The Breath & The Clay 
Saturday, March 20 @ 9:25am EST
The Breath & The Clay is an annual conference hosted by Makers & Mystics. Like every year, the lineup is overflowing with art makers and thinkers from across disciplines, backgrounds and mediums and full of demonstrations, presentations, interviews, and conversations. Join me this Saturday morning for a live Q&A at 9:25am EST. This year's theme is rediscovring Enchantment in the arts! 
Details here.

JAM Sessions
Monday, March 22 @ 7:30pm EST

Jam stands for "Join. Achieve. Master"  Join me and working artist friends Angela Sheik and Rachel Sage to discuss the hustle of music-making and marketing. Our discussion will be hosted by City Winery's Christianna LaBuz. This event is hosted by Gable Music Ventures and The Ladybug Music Festival, but it is not just for women. Jam Sessions is virtual and free and open to the public. 

Details here.
Wow, are you still reading?
Congratulations for making it to the end of this heffty update! You should be very proud of yourself :)
That's all for now, folks!
Love to you all!