March 6, 2012
Dear friends of Wade Hayes
I wish I had thought of this, but since I didn’t, I’m so glad that others asked, “How can I donate to the Colon Cancer Alliance as a  tribute to Wade?”
Checks, made out to Colon Cancer Alliance,  may be sent to 
Andrea S. Clay
National Partnership & Strategy Director
Colon Cancer Alliance 
1025 Vermont Ave., NW - Suite 1066
Washington, DC 20005
If you wish to donate online,  you may go to this page that is set-up as - Wade Hayes Tribute Fund
The “Make a Donation” button is down under Wade’s picture. 
Acknowledgements of your donation will be sent to Wade. He is doing well after a lengthy complicated surgery in December, followed by two months of chemotherapy. He has four more months to go. A recent scan revealed that his body is clear of tumors.
This is colon cancer awareness month. If you’re over 50, you need to be checked. If a family member has colon cancer or if you have symptoms, you need to be checked before 50. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths, though it is the easiest to treat if diagnosed early.  Early detection is the key. My family has experienced the truth of this.