As the yamin noraim approach, I, like many of you, find myself reflecting on the past year, taking stock of what I’ve done well and what I’ve done not so well, which prayers have been answered and which have yet to be fulfilled, whom I have cared for and whom I have neglected, and how I have impacted those around me.
In taking such reflection, I can’t help but think about Parshat Ki Teitzei which we read so recently and happens to be my bat mitzvah parsha. As a kid, Ki Teitzei seemed dry and boring, a list of seemingly endless laws that didn’t speak to me much. As an adult, raising kids of my own, and as a lawyer, many of Ki Teitzei’s mitzvot actually seem pertinent to daily life, both literally and metaphorically. For example, this past year I had a dispute with my gardener. Did I treat him fairly and pay him timely wages? (I hope so!)
What interests me most about many of Ki Teitzei’s mitzvot is that they teach us how to be a mentch. Did you find something that’s not yours? You need to make a good faith effort to return it to the rightful owner. Did you make a promise? You need to keep it. An escaped slave comes to you for refuge? Don’t even think about returning him to slavery. You employ a day laborer? Don’t forget to pay him before he leaves for the day.
So, as I reflect on my behavior this past year, and hope for improvement this next, I hope that I am successful in keeping the relevant mitzvot in Ki Teitzei and incorporating its message of mentchlekeit into my life. I wish the same for all of you.
Shanah tovah u’metukah!
— Sandra Lepson |
Diaspora Potluck Committee |
The DPL met recently to plan the coming year. We welcomed returning long-time member, Miriam Prum Hess, and a new member, Diane Herman. We set a full agenda of four events for the coming year — up from three last year.
The first will be a Sukkah dinner on October 10th during Chol Hamoed in various sukkahs. We decided against a sukkah walk this year, because of the three days of Chag at the beginning of the holiday, which makes the storing of food difficult; schedule permitting, we will resume this next year.
For now, we can look forward to a relaxed sukkah dinner on the last official night of the holiday. Please let us know if you are interested in hosting in your sukkah! If you live driving distance away, it is okay, because it is Chol Hamoed!
— Deborah Blum and Michelle Wolf |
Temple Beth Am is a member of OneLA, which is the local affiliate of the Industrial Area Foundation, the nation’s oldest community organizing initiative. OneLA partners with faith and other organizations, including legal services, schools, and health clinics to develop organizing projects that create leadership development and relationships among diverse communities to achieve transformational change in our region.
As a member of OneLA, we have the opportunity to engage with churches and synagogues to address our local challenges such as increasing access to affordable housing and healthcare, improving public safety, and ensuring that law enforcement treats all residents respectfully.
At the recent Leadership Assembly, Rabbi Ari Lucas delivered the D’var Tzedek/Word of Justice to the 500 assembled members and leaders from LA city, county, police, and schools. Each leader committed to further meet and work with OneLA to provide oversight regarding Measure H spending; to ensure that mental health funding is available for those living in the county; to meet with ICE to ensure that victims of crimes with pending U visas are not deported; to reduce the fear of immigration detention while interacting with LAPD; to respond to human trafficking concerns among local churches; and to provide wrap-around services for newly arrived school students to aid in their acclimation and resettlement in Los Angeles.
Temple Beth Am is fortunate to have Nancy Goldstone as a member of the OneLA Strategy Committee and Dianne Shershow as a committed leader, along with Paula Pearlman. Mayor Garcetti stated that “We cannot stand idly by” and we invite you to participate by contacting one of us.
— Paula Perlman |
From the depths of our hearts, Paul and I would like to thank the Library Minyan for many things: For being our spiritual and communal home for 30 years; for being a nurturing and welcoming cocoon in which our daughter Galya could grow and thrive; for affording us unlimited opportunities to learn and try out new skills; for giving us a venue in which to experience the joy and privilege of service. And finally, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to and participated in the beautiful kiddush on July 22. Thank you for such a lavish and heartwarming send-off.
For the first ten months of our new lives in Israel we will be residing at the following address: Rehov HaYarden 7, Apt. 5, Jerusalem 93385. Our phone and email addresses will stay the same, and we are both on Facebook. We welcome texts, calls, letters, and most of all visits!
With great fondness and appreciation,
Lida Baker & Paul Nisenbaum
Please welcome two new Gabbaim to our team. They are Jeff Gottesman and Norm Garr. Jeff is relatively new to TBA, while Norm has been associated with the shul for over sixty years. They will be replacing Barry Oppenheim and Jerry Krautman. Barry served for one year, but unfortunately, he was not able to continue. Jerry was a dedicated Gabbai for ten years, including four as head Gabbai. He recruited and trained most of the Gabbaim who now serve. We will miss him and sincerely thank him for his commitment to the Library Minyan. The other current Gabbaim are Anita (AJ) Happel, Teri Cohen Link, Howard Fredman, Myron Hecht, Larry Herman and Allan Kokin.
Please note that if you are having a simcha on a Shabbat in the Library Minyan, you may request a specific Gabbai to run the service. In addition to the current group of Gabbaim, you may select one of our former Gabbaim. Please let me know several weeks in advance, and I will do my best to accommodate you.
— Allan Kokin |
Sept 23 — Berman 50th anniversary
Oct 10 — DPL Sukkah parties
Oct 21 — Hecht aufruf |
We are again looking forward to conducting Library Minyan services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the style to which we have been accustomed since 1982. Many of your favorite leaders and speakers will be returning along with a few fresh voices. Shana Tovah to all!
— Mayer Brenner
50th Anniversary for Bermans Sept 23 |
Abe and Annette Berman will be celebrating their 50th anniversary with us on Sept 23, and we want to honor their many contributions to Library Minyan. If you would like to add to the celebration please contact Carl Sunshine.
This year social action projects will include Jewish World Watch, One LA, Habitat for Humanity, The Giving Spirit, and Operation PB and J. Additional projects are being discussed. Please let me know if you have a project that you would like us to pursue. Also, if you wish to get more involved in the planning aspect, please contact me.
We would like to extend our hospitality to anyone who wishes to be invited for a home meal during the High Holy days, Sukkot or Shabbat. Please let me know, and I will match you up with a family. You can contact me at Shabbat services, or email to
— Essia Cartoon-Fredman
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035 |