Many if not all of you will be aware of my involvement with Photographers with Disabilities (PWD) and their folding as a separate charity before Christmas.
A number of former PWD members have/are joining BPS from the beginning of January 2025, and I’m sure you’ll make them all welcome.
The un-fortunate demise of PWD has however provided an opportunity to formally launch a Studio Group in much the same way as the Digital Imaging group or the Beyond the Wall activities, open to ALL BPS members.
This new group is intended to facilitate greater use of the studio space, with the opportunity to join regular monthly portrait photoshoots as well as learning/brushing up your skills through photographing each other or participating in member led table-top photography in the intervening weeks. It will also be an opportunity for members to get together more regularly on a social basis to natter about photography and to exchange ideas.
Obviously, with the monthly external model photoshoots we’ll have to limit numbers to ensure everyone gets some time with the models. The attendee list for these will, in the first place be opened up to people at the regular Monday studio group before opening to the wider membership. So come along and get involved.
The last PWD session will be on Monday 16 December – 11am-2pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and say hi.
The first meeting of the new Studio Group will be on Monday 6 January at the earlier time of 10am-1pm. Everyone welcome.