What's Inside
 This issue will be about learning more about your cat.
Articles include a quiz about your cat knowledge, why cats purr, why they drool, where to put the litter box, and a lot of other interesting links below the Photo of the Month.

Pet Food News

Wet or Dry?
Is dry kibble-style pet food better than wet (canned)?
Some people (and petfood manufacturers) think so. But it depends on who benefits, and what those benefits are.  

Just because dry food is more "environmentally friendly"
to manufacture doesn't make it the best choice for your pet's well-being. Dry food makers love the idea because their benefit is financial.

No thanks. I'll stick to the food that ensures my cats can remain healthy.
People Food Cats Can Eat
During the holidays, we may enjoy having guests, parties, and sharing
food with friends and loved ones, including our pets.
Most of your kitty's diet should be a nutritionally complete cat food,
but you can give them a treat from your plate every once in a while.

Shelter feed links:

Suggested for you:
Download this free ebook on feeding your cat, by Dr. Lisa Pierson, at catinfo.org
The link is on the first page of the website.

About the Newsletter
We would love to hear from you!
Published on the first of the month. Submissions, stories, comments and questions are welcome. If you'd like to see your cat under Photo of the Month, please send it to us here:

hi_paws @ yahoo.com
Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends. If they would like to have their own subscription,
send them to TheProblemCat.com to fill out the form on the upper left of the page. This is a private list and is not shared with others, certainly not any advertising
Welcome to all new subscribers!

If you would like to see past
issues, or are having trouble
viewing this one, you may
find them all at this link: 

Natural Pet Care
For a comprehensive care regimen for your pets, this website contains information, educational courses (many are free), and product advice to help you treat your pet naturally.
I am currently enrolled in a new class at that website to learn about vaccination protocols and how to achieve optimum immunity through natural care.
I will share what I learn in future issues of Kitty Times. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at hi_paws @ yahoo.com
Certification Logo

Many thanks to Paul DeCeglie, an American writer now based in Pattaya, Thailand, for sending us more helpful and fascinating articles every month!


December 1, 2022    
Welcome to the busiest holiday season of the year. It's a time to celebrate whatever is important in your life, and a time to reflect on how things have been going so far. For those of us with pets, especially cats, it's a time to relax and enjoy being with them as we look back on the year just closing and the year coming up next. This issue of the Kitty Times is about getting to know your cat(s) better as you think about plans for the future, if any, or just relish each moment you have with family and friends, especially the little furry ones.

How much do you know about your cat?

Take this quiz and get your cat knowledge score:

Why Do Cats Purr?

You shouldn't assume that sound means your cat is in a good mood. Or that it's the only time you'll hear it. Cats purr to communicate other emotions and needs, too.

Why Do Cats Drool?
A little drool is nothing to worry about, but if it becomes excessive, it can be a sign your kitty is having a real problem, such as dental disease, something stuck in the throat, heatstroke, stress, poisoning, upper respiratory infection (URI), kidney or liver disease, etc. Time for a vet check!

Where to Put the Litter Box

Avoid litter box odor and keep your house smelling fresh with these tips, which should make you and kitty happier.

Ever wonder why your feline friend sometimes puts their rear end by your face? This is actually a sign of trust: Your cat is signaling they feel safe and secure around you. (So don't get mad at them for loving and trusting you. If offended, just quietly move away or turn your head.)

Photo of the Month
Do you need to cat-proof your Christmas tree?

xmas tree

Here's how to protect your tree AND your cat:

What is Your Cat Thinking?
You might be able to get clues to what your cat is thinking by watching their behavior. While cats have distinct personalities and some are more outwardly expressive than others, you can get hints as to what is on their mind if you watch for signs. ‌.

Is Your Cat Going Holistic?
Cats who get little exercise, and eat a carbohydrate-, hormone-, and chemical-heavy diet are at risk for obesity and other diseases as they grow older. On the flip-side, cats who enjoy regular play time and eat a diet that’s rich in protein, healthy fats, and whole grains are more likely to live long, healthy lives.

So it’s easy to see why health-conscious cat parents opt for holistic cat treats and foods: they check off all of the boxes when it comes to providing cats with nutrient-dense food that’s also low-calorie. And they are not as expensive as you think.

How to Help an Overweight Cat

Handy Symptom List
Keep this list handy in case you need to figure out what's wrong with your kitty.
It can help you describe the situation to your vet, who may be able to determine quickly what treatment is needed and if any tests are required.
