November 1-3, 2019, Fall Dance Retreat with guest dance Leader Grace Marie

Grace has led dances all over the world, with groups as large as 1000! Register Now!

My wife Deborah and I spent a week with Grace in Guatemala last February and we made such a great connection. You could feel the strength of Grace’s clarity, her vision, enraptured by the beautiful simplicity of message in song and dance, enhanced by the power of her voice.
I can't tell you how special it was to experience the dances in Guatemala with Grace Marie. For Deborah and I, it was a homecoming, returning to Lake Atitlan where we lived from 1978-80. To love, serve, and remember. Click here to see pictures from our life in Guatemala back in the 70s.
It felt right to build on this connection with Grace by inviting her to visit our homeland, The Farm in Tennessee. The Farm is a special place, for its history, for what it represents, and Deborah and I are personally honored to share this beautiful spiritual path with kindred spirits like Grace and the expanded dance community. I hope you will mark this weekend on your calendar and come dance with us, a chance to get together one more time before the busy holday season.
In other news, I will be travelng in September with the DUP Carvan to Turkey, where I will join 36+ people from 17 countries. We'll spend several days at an ecovillage for dance leader training, then on to the city of the ancient sufi master, teacher, Shams Tabrizi. We'll close out the second week in Konya for the Hearts and Mystic Music Festival and a pilgrimage to the tomb of Rumi. Ya Fattah!
I am so very grateful to all of you in the dance community who have opened your hearts and provided guidance to me on this path.
I hope to see you soon!

Click here for more information on our November 1-3 weekend. REGISTER NOW!
Download our My Life is My Prayer Nov 1-3, 2019 flier



Douglas Stevenson

Meet Your Host, Douglas Stevenson: 
Activist, artist, author, and musician, with The Farm Community since 1973

My journey with the Dances of Universal Peace has been a whirlwind of growth and change. I am blessed to be able to share my music and singing in a way that brings people together, opening hearts through the direct experience of sacred space.

I look forward to sharing dances, and our life in community, with you.


Learn more about my life, my books and hear samples of my music, by visiting  
Watch my TEDx: Out to Change the World: Living the Hippie Dream