Wastewater Study Funded
Local member Rob Stokes announces Scotland
Island's first step towards sewerage system!
As hinted in our newsletter of 1 June, we were hoping to get the
feasibility study funded out of this year's NSW Government budget.
Please find Rob Stokes' full press release below.
Funds For Scotland Island Wastewater Study
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced the NSW Government will
provide financial support to Northern Beaches Council to enable a
feasibility study to be conducted into the provision of wastewater
services to Scotland Island.
The funding announcement follows a resolution by Council to seek a
partnership with the NSW Government to engage consultants to assess the
viability of the project and advise on service provision models.
“This is an essential first step which has never before been
undertaken,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Providing wastewater services to Scotland Island has been proposed for
decades – but without a detailed feasibility study it’s never been able
to be properly considered or progressed.
“Scotland Island is a unique community in an environmentally sensitive
location and Northern Beaches Council has rightly identified that this
long-standing issue must be put under the spotlight.
“Council now has the resources and expertise available to help drive
this study and I’m delighted the NSW Government is able to provide
financial support to get this underway,” Rob Stokes said.
Last month Northern Beaches Council also provided funding to the
Scotland Island Residents’ Association to introduce a modern, automated
water booking system to better distribute and manage residents’ access
to emergency water supply – often used to help top-up personal
household water tanks.
Previous committees and working groups have worked on various proposals
to move towards the introduction of a sewerage system on the Island.
Attempts to coerce Sydney Water into accepting this as their
responsibility have not resulted in success. The latest proposal
involves the involvement of other, potentially more suitable providers
who could build and operate such a system. The agreement between
Council, SIRA and the NSW government, is to first conduct a feasibility
study for such an alternative scheme. Via Rob Stokes, we have asked for
the cost of the study to be covered by the NSW Government.
New Water Booking and Automation System
We are pleased to announce that SIRA has been awarded a $36K grant from
the Northern Beaches Council to fund a project to introduce an online
and mobile water booking system. The system will also automate the
(remote) reading of the water meters and operate the line valves at
Bell Wharf. In addition, the aim is to improve the water flow resulting
in reduced tank fill duration.
We will form a 'User Advisory Group' which will help us ensure the
design and implementation will be fit for purpose. If you are
interested to be part of this group, please reply here
The Galangala Project
"Breathing life into a film archive, Galangala
reignites Aboriginal culture."
blowing on embers of the previous night’s fire, Michael Edols was told
by an elder, that reigniting the embers was called galangala and as
‘their film man’, custodian or kukai, that’s what he was doing.
task was to capture irreplaceable treasures of tribal lore in their
spirit lands and also, the colliding values between ancient
physical and spiritual laws and the rugged settlements of the
Kimberley. The result was world renowned documentaries.
The Galangala Project (TGP) is seeking funds for an ongoing working
relationship with Indigenous Australians spanning 44 years. Today the
Edols’ archive will allow Aboriginal culture, through story, song and
ancient wisdom to be shared with today’s generation. TPG’s first phase
will be completed within six months of being funded.
Aboriginal novelist Kim Scott has said, “Healing is a contemporary
preoccupation, through truth and justice”. For Indigenous Peoples who
have been separated from their ancestral lands, spiritual traditions,
and the opportunity of contemporary education and good health, is too
often the beginning of a decline in metal health.
We are amidst a national crisis. The World Congress on Public Health
has argued that addressing the appalling rates of suicide among
Indigenous communities, lies in strengthening culture.
The issue is not only about our Indigenous Peoples’ loss, but the loss
as a nation. Together and now, we can make a difference.
With your support, TGP’s cultural endurance, empowers and supports
Indigenous Peoples by giving back, is one step towards healing.
Funding will enable Michael to:
- Select and edit significant material for access.
(Known in the FilmTV industry as sequences)
- Create an index for the film and sound footage,
linked to AIATSIS.
- Explain the history and significance of the selected
- Provide a valuable resource for all levels of
education and academe.
With your donations here, Michael and his team shall make accessible,
to the descendants and their communities and where appropriate
non-Indigenous people these sequences; irreplaceable treasures of
tribal lore, customs and knowledge of place. All donations over $2 are
tax deductible.
Please share The Galangala Project Facebook page and the link
to the
with anyone you think would be interested in Indigenous
well-being and Cultural Heritage.
As you can see below we are building our team and we have so far
attracted $210 of the 75K we need to realise this project. In
simple terms, we are trying to raise money to edit, sequence, index,
annotate the equivalent of 4 feature length documentaries.
There are 33.5 hours of film and over 100 hours of sound archives.
By way of introduction, Dr Gary Foley of Gumbainggir descent is
Professor in History, Victoria University. We are old film industry
colleagues and he has agreed to come on board the Galangala Team as
Executive Co-Producer with me operating as the Creative Producer.
The Galangala Team is currently in correspondence with: - Screen
Australia Indigenous Unit, AIATSIS, Head of Indigenous AFTRS and Screen
Bob,Kerry & Shar
Farewell Bash Photos
Images by Shane
Chi Kung Retreat Day
with Kath Anderson and Tom
Christensen August 27th on Pittwater
Very old piano in good working order (heavy!) with a lovely offshore
Tony Bates, Ventnor, Elvina Bay, 0417 325993
Urgent request!!
A few weeks ago one of the Mona Vale PS bands came to perform on
Scotland Island.
They accidentally left behind a box of black Fedora hats which they
need urgently for a performance this weekend.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of these hats please get in touch with
Thank you,
Annette Palmer 0421842221
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

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contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)