Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Matthew 10:9 Freely you have received, freely give.
Something else we can be encouraged to do as we ponder the meaning of Jesus' Parable of the Sower. Let's pray that He would help us to sow His Gospel seed to others in our circle of life, confident that He will use it for the spiritual good of many.
We know God wants everyone saved through Jesus and that no one comes to Father except through Him. There is salvation (that is, deliverance from sin and in its awful punishment, eternal death in hell) in no other. Jesus alone is "the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world" (1 John 2:2).
God wants everyone saved through Jesus and He has appointed us, His disciples, to proclaim this joyous message. In a world where so many are in the dark about what the God of love has done for them, where many mix in the worthless chaff of human ideas with God’s pure Word; in a world where Christianity is often equated with living an outwardly decent life, we've been given the blessed task of sharing the Truth: All God teaches us in His Law (the wages of sin is death), and all He teaches us about His Son who won eternal life for everyone through His cross (the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus our Lord).
Let's keep our eyes open for opportunities for sharing this Good News with unchurched people we know, with friends and family, with people in distant places through our church's mission program, bolstered by God’s promise to make it grow in many hearts.
Preach you the Word and plant it home
And never faint, the Harvest-Lord
Who gave the sower seed to sow
Will watch and tend His planted Word.
(Worship Supplement 2000, 781:4)