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Oh sweet summer!
How I love you so! Tis the season of neighborhood children playing on porch steps, walks through the woods, and outdoor music festivals! You feel me!?
What have I been up to? Well the last 2 months of this year have been an absolute whirwind, but here's a quick snapshot:
...shows in Memphis, TN, Los Angeles, Baltimore, DC, and Philly!
...a 7-day vacation in New Orleans (can't wait to go back)
...muuuultiple trips to NYC for a special project I'll share about in the future.
...I also recorded a brand new video and interview w/ WITF, the NPR affiliate in Harrisburg that I can't wait to share with you in my next email. Stay tuned! 
Philadelphia Museum of Art: the highlight of my year!
May's concert at the Philadelphia Museum of Art was a show like none other. Accompanied byJason Rafalak (upright bass), Peace Ike (percussion), and a few special guests, I had the opportunity to truly create a show with live reading, backing vocals, and live dance pieces by my dear friend and dance instructor Marcie Mamura. It was a one-of-a-kind evening and i am excited about the potential of creating more 3-dimensional (as I like to think of it) concerts that include more visual components!

July 13: PITTSBURGH, PA - Deutschtown Music Festival (3pm) [details][facebook] ***
July 14: PITTSBURGH, PA - Deutschtown Music Festival (11am) [details][facebook] ***
July 15: WILMINGTON, DE - Rockford Park [details] [facebook] **
July 18: WILMINGTON, DE, PA - Ladybug Music Festival- [details][facebook] **
Aug 8: PHILADELPHIA, PA - Pairings on the Parkway [details][facebook]
trio *** duo **

Last but not least, here is a brief reflection...mostly thoughts I have been thinking over these last few weeks.
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open" - Rumi

There's something about being in a place where you have nothing to lose and nothing to prove. Where you're identity is not wrapped up in what you do, how much money you make, what people think of you, or where you live. It's a beautiful state of freedom. A beautiful recognition of self worth. Contentment. Everything is a gift. The last 9 months of my life has been one big exercise in learning how to "let go" - how not to hold on so tightly to things that were never meant for me. It's been the hardest, most rewarding journey of my life. Relinquishing control would seemingly put you in a helpless state, but it actually does the exact opposite. It frees you. We humans think we are so wise - curating our lives, cushioning our bubbles, perfectly pairing our present and past pains with fleeting pleasures to make them more manageable. But if there's anything I've learned this past year, it's that I am not in control. Even when i thought I was, even when I was successfully quality controling everything, I was cluelessly complicating things - like a little kid who thinks they're helping mom by washing the dishes even though mom ultimately has to go back and re-do them all. If there's one directive God has given me for this year, it's "just enjoy the ride". And if there's one word I can give 2019, it's "trust" because letting go of the reigns in my life has meant allowing Him to do the steering. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to share all of this, but I hope someone reading this can use the reminder: you are not in control...and that's a good thing.
Thanks for reading and see you out there!
"You Are Not Your Fear". Tanks and Tees are back in stock!
Hit up the online store for some summer swag!