Themed Summer Print Competition
Don't forget the new print competition called the Themed Summer Print Competition which is being held in August. The theme for this first competition will be "A short walk from Home" and full details and competition rules can be downloaded by following this link.
It is basically a competition for prints no larger than A4 which can be mounted or unmounted, the subject is anything within 3 miles of your home (which is a pretty broad brush) and should have been taken since 1 March this year. The judge will be our own John Chamberlin. If you have any queries regarding this competition, please contact David or Patsy either by email, or by telephone 0117 960 2113
FIAP Distinctions - Changes to Requirements
I have just received an update from FIAP concerning the requirements for gaining distinctions. Much of it you will probably already know if you have been entering international exhibitions; what you might not be aware of, however, is the new requirement for 10% of your acceptances to have been gained in "paper salons", i.e. that you have gained acceptances in print salons: this comes into force from the beginning of next year. If you follow this link you will be able to read the full document but if you don't have the patience to read through the entire document I suggest that you home in on paragraph 8.7. You can also find it on the BPS website by clicking here.
Things to Photograph (If it ever stops raining!)
For the slightly less genteel of you, there's the Truckfest on 30 June to 1 July at the Bath and West Showground
A little closer to home you can have a trip in the City Docks on the M-Shed's fireboat Pyronaut on 30 June. For this and other M-Shed events please click here
If you know of any events happening that might be of interest to fellow club members, please let me know and I will include the details here.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address
Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at
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