In This Issue:




Well done to the following members who have passed their advanced test / re-test:


  Paul Bellamy (M)
  Shaun Cooper (C)


  Jill Brunsdon (M)


A warm welcome to new group members:

  Richard Adams (M)
  Ashley Le Bon Francis (M)
  John Ramage (M)
  Allan Tomlinson (M)

Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



June 2022
Chair's Introduction
Apparently this year Summer will be on Thursday 28th July…
Seriously though, the weather’s becoming very pleasant isn’t it? [Classic British conversation topic ] I’m glad though that the days are longer as it means we have more daylight to take in the delights of our country from the comfort of our cars and motorbikes.
There is so much to see and, like many people, planning a ‘staycation’ has become as enjoyable as planning a foreign trip (almost).
We organised a group event recently, our first for a very long while, that had to be cancelled for lack of interest. We will soon be sending out a very short survey to all members asking what your preferences are for group events.
Please reply as the more responses we receive, the better we can plan to put on events that you want to attend.
Thanks in advance for your contributions.

Stay safe all.

New Motorcycle Approved Tutors
It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce that Rob Newman and Brian Durie have successfully completed their training, and are now certified as Group Motorcycle Approved Tutors.

                                                                                                                                  Rob Newman
Rob said: “When I first considered commencing my advanced training I hadn't thought that I would ever be good enough to be considered to become an advanced riding Tutor.
However, as my training commenced with Stephen Wilkinson Carr my confidence grew and I started to believe that that was a direction that I would enjoy. Following some further study and Tutor development, here I am.
A rather proud moment for me as it gave me a great sense of achievement and also the knowledge that I can now help others achieve their advanced riding goals."

                                                                                                                            Brian Durie
Brian said: "I came back to biking after a break of 7 years, and said to she-who-must-be-obeyed that I’d do my advanced rider training so that I’d be safer on the roads. 

I’ve been riding since I was 16, and the last training I had done was as a learner back in 1983. This was swiftly followed, after passing my test, by blasting around my local roads (now known as the NC500 🤷‍♂️) on a RD350F and a FZR600 with the usual disdain for mortality of a young, single man. 

Many, many (!) years (and a good few bikes) later I turned up to meet my tutor on my bright yellow Ducati S2R. I loved it! 

After several training rides, my fuel warning light came on 15-20 miles later - important to a Scot! - I got from A to B quicker, and it felt like a lot fewer “unexpected incidents” happened on my rides. Magic! Not only that, I now tell my wife that I’m “going out to practise” when I wheel my bikes out 😂. 

Since I first passed my advanced test, I’ve retested successfully, learned loads from my fellow advanced riders, and trained so that I can share the benefits of my learning with more bikers out there. Combine that with meeting lots of new friends, and more reasons to go out on my bikes, all means I’m enjoying my biking, and far more likely to come home in one piece."
Many congratulations Rob and Brian. Very well done.

Highway Code 2022

 This is a great opportunity to remind all members that the 2022
 Highway Code has now been published and is available to purchase.

 We all know how important it is to remain familiar with any changes that
 occur and, as such, would encourage all members to buy this latest
 version (click on photo for link).
Collision Avoidance System

Last month we looked at Active Cruise Control on motorcycles. This month it's the turn of Collision Avoidance Systems on cars and trucks. 

A collision avoidance system (CAS), also known as a pre-crash system, forward collision warning system, or collision mitigation system, is an advanced driver-assistance system designed to prevent or reduce the severity of a collision.

In its basic form, a forward collision warning system monitors a vehicle's speed, the speed of the vehicle in front of it, and the distance between the vehicles, so that it can provide a warning to the driver if the vehicles get too close, potentially helping to avoid a crash. 

Various technologies and sensors that are used include radar (all-weather) and sometimes laser (LIDAR) and cameras (employing image recognition) to detect an imminent crash. GPS sensors can detect fixed dangers such as approaching stop signs through a location database. 

Pedestrian detection can also be a feature of these types of systems.

Such systems are amazingly effective and stop the vehicle better than a human could.

Below are some videos of the system in action (click on photos).

An American introductory video (1:42)

BMW video (1:23)

Volvo truck on a bend (1:46)

Volvo trucks coming to a stop from speed (1:10)

Scania truck coming to a stop from speed (1:21)
Impressive isn't it?

With the weather improving, and as more opportunities present themselves to come into contact with both drivers and riders, now is the time to consider whether some informal recruitment for new Associates could occur.

Often a relaxed conversation can create great results and we would ask that, should the opportunity exist, could you please have a chat and expand on the benefits of undergoing advanced training?

Hopefully, we will all enjoy the presence of new Associates and members in the future and the broad range of experiences and additional skills they will bring.

SkillShare - Try it before you buy it

 Tell your friends. All are welcome.
Advanced Motorcycle Tutor Programme 
A 13-week Motorcycle Advanced Tutor Programme for invited candidates has now finished and we have five Approved Tutors ready for their demanding Advanced Tutor test which comprises: a Gold standard ride; assessed tutoring session; and a 25-question theory test with an 84% pass mark. 

L-R Paul Smith, Mike Ibbitson, Andy Cheetham,
David Blackledge, Phill Colbourne (Wilts RoADAR)
There were six indoor theory sessions covering all subjects required by RoSPA, and three practical on-the-road sessions.

We finished the training, on Saturday 28 May, with five very capable candidates, four from Glos RoADAR and one from Wilts RoADAR (in exchange for Wilts helping to train Glos Car Advanced Tutors). 

The programme was led by Mark Sealey and Stephen Wilkinson-Carr with great support from Bob Fram (Chair, Wilts RoADAR). We also had excellent support on the practical days from Nigel Warwick and Geoff Brown.
L-R Mark Sealey, Bob Fram, Stephen Wilkinson-Carr
All the facilitators wish the candidates, who have worked very hard over the past 13 weeks, every success with their test.

Prescott Bike Festival

Glos RoADAR will have an exhibitor's stand at the Bike Festival that should bring in some new members, both car and motorcycle.

Gates open 8:30 a.m., track action from 9:30 a.m., closes 5 p.m.

In the past the Prescott Bike Festival, which attracts about 5,000 visitors, has generated 5-10 new car members and 15-20 new motorcycle members. It is the primary marketing and recruiting event in our catchment area.

Please help to spread the word and encourage people to join.

We've had a great response with seven members, from both car and bike sections, volunteering to help run the Glos RoADAR stand. Thank you all.

Should be a cracking event. See you on the day I hope.
A Correction

Last month we incorrectly stated that is is illegal to use your smart phone to pay at a drive-through.

It is NOT illegal to use your contactless payment at drive-throughs, it's actually written into legislation.

Exceptions (Click for source)

You can use a device held in your hand if:
  • you need to call 999 or 112 in an emergency and it’s unsafe or impractical to stop
  • you’re safely parked
  • you’re making a contactless payment in a vehicle that is not moving, for example at a drive-through restaurant
  • you’re using the device to park your vehicle remotely
Apologies for misinforming you and thank you to all those who set us straight.
Did You Know?

Most Car Horns Honk In The Key of F
Click picture for horn sound
You might have noticed that most cars sound the same when the driver honks the horn, but did you know that car horns typically honk in the key of F?

The most common sounds are F and F#, but you can still hear other keys too, although it varies across manufacturers, models and variants.

Most horns actually sound two notes in unison, traditionally F+A. You can check your own car horn and are most likely to find two round units. Though they are usually the same size, their pitch differs by at least a perfect fifth.
Who knew?

Low Speed Motorcycle Event 21 May 2022

This was our best attended low-speed event ever with 46 guest riders coming from far and wide.

A small team of volunteer helpers worked very hard to help set up the various cone obstacles and courses at Berkely Power Station and we began at 1:30pm with a briefing by Tony Dix.
Included were low-speed circuit favourites such as the snowman, figure of 8 and intersection  alongside braking drills and a slow race to make for an enjoyable learning experience.



There was a variety of motorcycles at the event and we were really pleased to welcome three learner riders (who all displayed a high level of skill).
We even set up a demanding 'advanced' low-speed circuit for those wanting more challenge after conquering the single exercises:

The slow race, over 9.6 meters, was a very popular event with the slowest rider winning a 1-year free membership (with £100 training costs) and the runner-up winning a 1-year free membership.
Slow race results:
It was really good to meet everyone and we hope to welcome you again at our next low-speed event  in the Autumn 2022. 
Group Motorcycle Ride
On Sunday 22 May 2022 we ran another of our monthly group motorcycle rides.

The plan was to make our way to the Departure Lounge near Alton but
road closures thwarted us almost from the start.

I felt somewhat bemused and befuddled by all the changes of direction, 
even though I was the ride leader, and on the right is what the route felt
like from the front! 

This was a ride for experienced riders only and we were lucky enough to be accompanied by the RoSPA Regional Representative, Martin Powell.

Short breather at Hackpen Hill (click for White Horse information).

L-R Paul Jan Andy Angus David Larry Steve Martin Chris

There are some superb views from Hackpen Hill.

We made it to the Departure Lounge where the team had set aside an area specially for us - even though they had a major wedding event at the same time - excellent customer care.

Hungry riders waiting for their lunch...

The weather was superb and all had aan enjoyable day's bimble.

See you next time folks (when the ride will be for all experience levels)

Recommended Books (Clickable)

The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Mike Ibbitson

Acting Car Coordinator - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Mike Ibbitson
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton